Dear Developers 
Can you pleae have a look and fix the tiny Bug which makes Cloth Undressing Scenes impossible?
I can sure donate a pizza or two or three to your Staff for disturbing the VAM 2 Programming.
Can you pleae have a look and fix the tiny Bug which makes Cloth Undressing Scenes impossible?
Cloth Grab Sphere Collision Trigger is always disabled and although Control is on physics are off when i reload my Scene - How to fix that ?
I am doing a Undressing Scene with Timeline and for that i need the Cloth Grab Spheres but they are seriously troubelling in their behavior. Actually its two Issues: 1) The Cloth Grab Sphere Collision Trigger is always disabled when i reload the Scene. The Main Blocker Issue for me is: 2)...

I can sure donate a pizza or two or three to your Staff for disturbing the VAM 2 Programming.