Question Camera not lining up in VR to green bean actor


New member
Hi everyone so I recently got a Pimax Headset. I opened up VAM and noticed that the position of the VR camera is not the same as the desktop camera? (ill look up and see the green eye thing) is there a way to fix this? I calibrated the headset on both the Pimax software and SteamVR room settings but even when I input the correct measurements its still sometimes too high or too low per scene so I tried experimenting with different height calibrations to get it to sort of line up. I can always manually move the camera into place in my headset but the desktop view is way off (so i guess its a fix for now?) I also will try to see if acidbubbles embody plug in works.
I opened up VAM and noticed that the position of the VR camera is not the same as the desktop camera? (ill look up and see the green eye thing) is there a way to fix this?
I wondered myself why recentering doesn't automatically put you back into the viewer's head. A little workaround: do the Room Setup in SteamVR again and it should match.
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