Opened the package builder an added the json file of the scene saved before, prep. package, and then in the reference list appears the heather look var, and also the files of the look are not on the custom folder, i checked the path of the files on the reference but even unpacked the look, still inside the var and not on my local custom folder.
Maybe im doing everything wrong here, if you can give me the correct steps I will be eternally grateful ^^
I see... maybe I should have been more specific.
Let me try to explain it further,
1) When you create/finalize var package, it is saved/exported inside
AddonPackages as .var package.
Anything used while packaging is auto created inside
AddonPackagesBuilder as folder with same naming and content (as finalized .var)
2) When you unpack it via package manager it's kinda in reverse.
.var is renamed to
.var.orig and content is unpacked into
folder with same name (with meta and everything), same way it looks inside AddonPackagesBuilder.
Anything inside AddonPackages either var package or unpacked folder named .var (with meta) is
still treated as var package inside VaM.
You need to manually copy/move files you need inside custom folder (assets, hairstyle, whatever...),
only than it will suggest to package those files (instead of referencing).
Conclusion: If you only unpack package it's still treated as package (non-local reference), it doesn't matter if inside folder or var package.
EDIT: I suggested safer route... Unpack it, grab what you need, restore it.
But in reality var package is like any other archive, you can open it (via 7zip,winzip,winrar,...) and drag/extract what you need.
It only matters when manually packaging (what settings/format/compression), other than that you can simply grab from package and avoid all unpack/repack process.