Hi All...first off thanks to everyone for all the incredible contributions. I'm having tons of fun creating in VAM using this stuff. I'm not yet at the level that allows me to create or import 3d models, so I rely on what I can find...and I'm looking for more assets to build scenes with "bad girls." Haha. I have some bongs and joints and cigarettes from several creators (and I'm working on some animations to go along with them, as well as decal textures for the wild girls - tats and cuts and stuff, and once I'm happy with them I'll share!), but I'd love to see more of this type of asset. In particular: cigars, pipes, pills/pill bottles, needles, more weed and other drug paraphernalia, booze bottles, beer bottles, "drug den" type environments, etc. Keep up all the great work everyone! Thanks again, and picture for attention