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Question Assholes on trans/futa


New member
Bear with me, I'm new... I've downloaded trans models but none of them seems to have an asshole? I'm guessing it's something to do with adding a cock onto a female. Is there any way to add a fuckable asshole? The best I can do is to add a decal that gives it the appearance but it's not an actual asshole.
You are correct. The best you can do is add a decal/texture. The anus on male characters does not/never has worked and unless Meshed decides one day that this is a market he wishes to capitalize on, we're all screwed.

Male/futa models do not work in VAM and no amount of fiddling will change that. At best you can get something that will look "ok" but will never be a fully functional model.
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Thanks for that Doc, I thought as much. It should come out eventually as there's a market for this and it breaks no ethical rules. The next time I spend money will be when meshed or a 3rd party works this. I guess I'll be virtually penetrating virtual female pussies and ass for now. Thanks for your time.
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