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Question Any way in Desktop mode to move grabbed things forwards/backwards?


New member
In some other 3D games where you can grab and manipulate items, you can push them backwards and forwards.
I could not figure out if that is possible without moving completely. Is there a way? Maybe even tie it to the mousewheel? cause that would make Desktop mode a lot more viable.
You have a register named "move" on every object in their own menu. There you can move an object on every axis in different steps.
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Not exactly what you are asking, but you might want to check out my PowerHandles plugin (part of "Essentials" collection). Because you have to hold down CTRL or ALT, it allows you to separte position from rotation changes. That means at least the rotation handles are not in the way, if the angle from where you are looking at the control is unfortunate. Also allows you to move using global coordinates, if you want, which might also help.
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