When posting free content, putting a Patreon link under "Additional Information" will probably not be noticed by anyone. Would it be acceptable to put banners like the following into the resource description? The image is a link of course. Maybe we should agree on a size limit or something like that?

Just to see how it would look, it took the liberty to put it already onto my SecretRoom asset: https://hub.virtamate.com/dev/index.php?resources/secretroom.75/
If anyone would like to do something similar, you can get the Patreon Brand Kit and the dos and don'ts here: https://www.patreon.com/brand
When posting free content, putting a Patreon link under "Additional Information" will probably not be noticed by anyone. Would it be acceptable to put banners like the following into the resource description? The image is a link of course. Maybe we should agree on a size limit or something like that?
Just to see how it would look, it took the liberty to put it already onto my SecretRoom asset: https://hub.virtamate.com/dev/index.php?resources/secretroom.75/
If anyone would like to do something similar, you can get the Patreon Brand Kit and the dos and don'ts here: https://www.patreon.com/brand