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Fixed ( Possessing a node in Desktop Mode moves the position of the node.


Well-known member
Featured Contributor
I record my scenes in desktop mode before posting them as previews. Unfortunately, I cannot possess a character's head while recording because doing so will move the head enough to "mess up" the scene. Something as simple as moving the head down a bit can shift other parts of the body ruining precisely aimed insertions. Mocap animations are very delicate and minor changes in positioning can ruin a scene. However, this isn't as prevalent in VR. At least as far as I've tested.

Here are is an example screenshot of the head node position before and after possession. The X changes are pretty subtle, but the Z and Y positions changes a lot. It would be very awesome if the change was minimized or not at all. I do have a workaround for this right now, but might be something to look into why this happens.
I have this greatly improved in upcoming release. Position is now aligned perfectly so the head control is no longer moved when using Possess and Align Head. The navigation rig and camera is also aligned perfectly as long as the Person head is only rotated in X and Y. If the Person head has a Z rotation, this will be zeroed out, which can cause the Person joints to move around to try to match this rotation. The Head control itself is not moved, just rotated, but this can move other joints due to how the joints work. So for this to work best, make sure the headControl Z Rotation is 0 before trying to head possess. Example below:


Note this fix also improved Possess and Align Head in VR as well, although in that case the headControl is aligned exactly with the user's head control so can result in more joint jerking. It is still vastly improved over what it does now, which can be fairly large position adjustments as you noted.
Another note to make this work better if you aren't already doing this. In User Preferences you might want to turn off the Possess Spring Adjust option as it can cause the node to move relative to the control when the springs change. Instead I would suggest setting the headControl Hold Position and Hold Rotation Springs higher before possessing so that it doesn't change during possess. You might want to use the settings shown here (10000/1000) since others using your scene in possess mode would then get consistent results.


You may also want to turn this option off on the Person Head node:

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