Wiki Article 07. Scene Add Atom

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Scene Add Atom

Atoms are the persons, objects, environments, and tool set offered in VaM. Atoms in a scene often show as a green squares in Edit Mode, but some atoms have other shapes, like a person (person shape) or a subscene atom (flag).

These lists are not editable, you cannot add, remove or rename items in the lists. If you have a Creator key, you can add as many atoms of any kind as you want in a scene.

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This panel is where you can add any of our built in environments, props, and many other atoms.​
A general listing categories to make finding the atom you want to add easier.​
Lists the atoms available within the chosen category. In this example “Environments” are shown.​

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”Select Atom On Add” Toggling this on will automatically select the atom when it is spawned opening it’s control panel.

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”Focus Atom On Add” When toggled on will move your VR or Desktop view to look at the selected atom when it spawns in game.

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”Add Atom” Spawns the selected atom into the game.

Atom categories
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  • Animation patterns is a VaM buit-in system for animating atoms
  • Built-in environments
  • Atoms suited to make floors and walls
  • Atoms that create a force on another atom or atom component (e.g. a force to create a hip thrust motion)
  • A bed, a chair, big stuff you could find in a house
  • Various sources of light, being the most versatile the InvisibleLight atom
  • Tons of stuff that didn't fit well in the other categories
  • Adds a person atom
  • A book, a potted plant, small stuff you could find in a house
  • Rectangular shapes with reflective properties, like mirrors
  • Euclid's favorite things
  • Atoms that are audio sources
  • Things to use when you want to get frisky with yourself or with your partner
  • Atoms for creating a user interface (UI), like a UIbutton, that triggers actions using the trigger system

Atom list

The list of atoms available is too long to be added here and is best explored by yourself in VaM. However, some notes and mentions of specific atoms are worthwhile pointing out, as they may not be that clear, especially compared to other similarly named atoms.

Misc: ClothGrabSphere
This atom allows clothing on a person to be grabbed. See the FAQ > Scene Editing section to learn how to use it.

Misc: CustomUnityAsset (CUA) and Subscene
These two atom types have a dedicated button in the base UI with their edit mode shapes. Follow the links on the names above to learn more.

Misc: Empty
The simplest atom, it has only basic atom tabs. A good option for scene management of triggers and plugins.

Misc: ImagePanelTransparentEmissiveOverlay
The options for a image panel mean this:
  • ImagePanel: no transparency and requires a scene light to be seen
  • +Transparent: when your image has transparent parts - not jpg
  • +Emissive: the image has its own light source and does not require scene light sources to be seen
  • +Overlay: unsure, just seems to have a higher render queue value than the other panels to be shown on top
Misc: SIMSheet
A sheet-like atom. Mind you that it's a bit buggy.

Shapes: Cube and ISCube (and others)
Cube's color (materials tab) is a single color, while a ISCube has a materials tab for each side. There's also some other differences per atom related to scale and other properties.
Something relevant regarding hair and clothes is that they can collide only with non-IS shapes spheres and capsules.

Triggers: Collision and Look At triggers
This atom activates triggers when there's a collision/is looked at by another atom. See the guide.
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