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这里面的人物卡怎么都是老外哦? 做国漫的大佬都去哪啦?我好不容易千里迢迢的来了,总不能让我两手空空回去啊!


New member
这里面的人物卡怎么都是老外哦? 做国漫的大佬都去哪啦?我好不容易千里迢迢的来了,总不能让我两手空空回去啊!
Why are the character cards here all foreigners? Where have all the big guys in Chinese comics gone? I came all the way here with great difficulty, you can’t let me go back empty-handed!
Not quite sure I understand your question, possibly it got garbled a bit too much in auto-translation. If there were Chinese comics at some point (?), maybe they were removed due to a copyright issue, the creator might have been banned for some other rule violation or the creator removed them for another reason. Ask the original creator of those comics.
I've think what he ment to say is the lack of Chinese characters, I could be wrong. That's what i'm thinking from the translation.
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