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  1. B

    VAM 2.0

    It does not mean that Unity is the problem. VAM is quite a huge piece of software sitting on Unity. It could require some serious rearchitecting.
  2. B

    VAM 2.0

    Keep in mind that VAM is not a FPS shooter with tons of characters running around, on MP and bullet physics filling up the CPU. I am pretty sure that Unity can handle VERY well the FPS of few characters having sex ...
  3. B

    VAM 2.0

    VAM developers are rolling the dice every weeks now. There is a huge interest for 3D porn these days and a competitor could pop on the market with an amazing product overnight built on unreal engine, dethroning legacy VAM 1.0. They should make sure to stay ahead of the race instead of sitting...
  4. B

    Can we have a delete button in release 1 please!?

    I finally installed the Browser Assist Plugin by Jay ... wow what a great browser. I am not using the vanilla one anymore!
  5. B

    Can we have a delete button in release 1 please!?

    Yes I hear you! For more, since the game becomes super slow when overloaded with files, it would let people get rid of all these performance issues. I would say that 40% of the content I have is crap. But can't delete it efficiently. I do sometime use the standard os explorer to delete files...
  6. B

    Can we have a delete button in release 1 please!?

    I am all ears. I would buy the plugin for this option! But if its not there, it will be a pass for me. I cannot believe how difficult it is to delete unwanted stuff in this game. Would be SO simple for the developers to simply let us delete AT LEAST the scene like we can do for our own scene.
  7. B

    Can we have a delete button in release 1 please!?

    Current Situation You will agree with me that managing the content of VAM becomes a pain after few thousands objects (scenes, clothing, models ....) Could we, for the scenes, be able to delete the scene right from the menu please? It is already possible to do it when you did created the scene...
  8. B

    Simple guide to import Sketchfab object?

    WOW that is perfect! Thank you VERY much SuperSamoth!
  9. B

    Simple guide to import Sketchfab object?

    Hi guys, to my surprise I did not find my answer online. Just few random old cryptic articles. Is there a guide somewhere that shows how to import a sketchfab object in VAM? Let's say I want to import a simple wooden chair, I would like to know the steps to get this done. Thanks
  10. B

    Weird physic behaviour in empty scene

    Hi guys, I do have a very weird behaviour in an empty scene. I do play with pose all the time, never had issue with this. But I saw this morning that if you move the character too far away from where it spawn, it fall in collision explosion. Briefly, it seems that if I move too far away from...
  11. B

    Is there a way to move two actors at the same time?

    AWESOME IDEA! Wonder how I did not think about it! You rule! Thanks a lot! :)
  12. B

    Is there a way to move two actors at the same time?

    Hi guys, is there a way to select two actors at the same time to move them around a scene? The idea is to just move them to a new location into the scene without breaking the animations. As you know the most subtle change on character pose will have dramatic effect on an animation. This is the...
  13. B

    Atom preset does not save the objet location

    Thanks for the answer. That thing made me optimize everything as well as fixing my issue! I owe you one!
  14. B

    Atom preset does not save the objet location

    Hi guys, I am trying to do something really simple. I have a CustomUnityObjects plate on a table at a specific position (x,y,z) When clicking a UIButton, I want the plate to move to a new location on the table. I tried to create a preset for the new plate location and call it within the...
  15. B

    Please let us add tags to classify all our scenes/objects.

    Oh there are strong tricks in here! I will explore that manual loading for sure!!!!
  16. B

    Please let us add tags to classify all our scenes/objects.

    Hi guys, my scene browser folder is such a mess. This is a huge mix-up of animated scenes, model scenes, asset scenes and so on. It is now at an unbearable size where browsing now brings me to the edge of madness LOL. Two little things would help SO MUCH. 1. Being able to add a tag (even if...
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