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    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

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  • Users: dadirector
  • Content: Threads
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  1. D

    Question penis position off after character change

    Hi everyone, I was wondering how to fix penis position (both vagina or mouth) after changing female and male characters.? i looked around, but couldn't find one.. Thank you
  2. D

    Question Figure curvy morph

    Hi everyone, I had to reinstall VAM after an issue on my disk, from the packages I used to have a custom morph named 'figure curvy' or 'curvy figure' but I don't remember the creator I tried to search in hub but I'm unable to locate it, if anyone can let me know which creator or actual resource...
  3. D

    Question How to use Invisible light

    Hi I been using vam for almost a year now, the one thing that I still struggle to understand is invisible light, when add invisible light to a scene, how does it work and the different parameters.. I think it would be nice if some of our veterans could make a guide about this and also and...
  4. D

    Hub gets stuck when down loading resources

    Hi I've downloaded a fresh instance of vam v1.20 (I had it previously also) and I noticed that when I download any assets from Hub it gets stuck and the only way to resolve it is to hard restart vam. I didn't have this issue before so with the same version. Did anyone stumbled on this problem...
  5. D

    Minimum packages list

    Hi. i was thinking if somone could post a list of minimum packages that are required by creators to download to avoid hording for vars and increade disk space utilization and as a result to optimize vam preformance?!! if i would also suggest that vam sould include those packages in original...
  6. D

    Body and head morph size

    Hi everyone I face problems when using morphs seperated by @ceq3 Morph Merge and Split plugin on other models, for example I wanted to use body morph of x model on y model, the body morph gets applied but the the head side is significantly smaller with the body proportions, I solve this usually...
  7. D

    Running VAM from external drive

    Hi everyone Has anyone tried to run VAM from portable hard disk? Mine is almost full and I had external disk around and wanted to use it for VAM! Thanks
  8. D

    Question How to edit specific item in packaged morph

    Hi everyone, Usually when we download looks the morphs of that look are divided to three parts (head,body, genitals) or sometimes a full single morph. Is possible to edit a specific item in the morphs parts. For example In head morph, could I edit or change say lips morphs or eye morphs (as...
  9. D

    Question Change default pose when loading person atom

    Hi When I I add a new person atom, it loads with the default pose, is there a way to change that and use my own pose instead? Thank you
  10. D

    Convert futa cloths to female

    Hi I would like to thank @WeebUVR for this efforts and work.. I know that it's not possible to use futa cloths on female and vise versa, can someone convert his futa cloths to female * I hope I'm not breaking any rules here for which I apologize in advance* Thanks
  11. D

    Morphs not available when I create my own character

    Hi everyone I have problem some morphs do not show when I want to create my own characters, however when I down load a scene or a look I can see that morph available? Thanks
  12. D

    Hair issue

    Hi everybody. recently I've noticed strange issue when I use long hair, it looks like that hair penetrates through the atom's body instead if it flowing (if that's the correct word) on the body, I'm attaching few pictures to show what I mean. this happens with almost all long hair I have even...
  13. D

    Question Understanding textures

    Hi guys I am trying to understand skins textures terminologies for example what does diffuse, decal, specular means. I searched the wiki as well as the forums but no luck.. can someone please explain those terms.? Thank you
  14. D

    Lighting in scenes

    Hi When I download some scenes the scene lighting doesn't look good when adding person atoms so I have to add invisible light to the scene however I can't figure out how the light falls on the atom (I have to tweak the light source until I get it right) Is there a way to make the light rays...
  15. D

    how to use various files

    Hi, this might sound noobish, but how do you use the files which we download from other creators, i downloaded a file from a creator's patreon site, but it didn't have var file, when i unziped the file, there was a custom folder in it with various files, such as .vab .vaj .vam .vap and with...
  16. D

    weird belly shape

    Hi guys, i created a female atom, everything went fine only i found this weird belly shape, i tried to modify the morph manytimes but it's still there, any thing i might doing wrong?
  17. D

    Question Export atoms

    Hi how do i export my person atoms to an image with .png with transparent back ground to edit in GIMP or in photoshop? Thanks
  18. D

    Export characters settings

    Hi, is there a way to export the settings of a character. i know we can save presets, but sometime it's easier to have a reference of your work to ease doing modifications?
  19. D

    Female hair show for male characters

    Hi, I'm totally new to VAM (or 3D characters) i have downloaded lots of looks, hairs, cloths, and i created a female characters, but I can't see all the packages i downloaded for females, but when i created a male characters, i found most the things i downloaded for females are avaiable there...
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