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  1. PrettyFrank

    Plugins Align Plugin

    Good catch - I'll do some experiments and see if I can find edge cases it's not working in!
  2. PrettyFrank

    Plugins Sensor Plugin

    You definitely can! :)
  3. PrettyFrank

    Plugins Align Plugin

    Def appreciate the nod to other plugins to review... sometimes it's difficult keeping which ones have which features/inspiration straight in my head! :D
  4. PrettyFrank

    Plugins Align Plugin

    Would love to see a demo of this! You can technically make a multi-dimensional path by animating offsets, but given the complexity of how they are executed based on ratio + rotation + position... that could be tricky. It's tough enough (but at least possible) to align follow lights on a...
  5. PrettyFrank

    Plugins Sensor Plugin

    Thanks! Good idea to keep in mind for a later release - also great to hear you found a way around the limitation anyway! My idea is to release small utility plugins similar to logic bricks that you can layer up to achieve cool effects :)
  6. PrettyFrank

    Plugins Align Plugin

    Oh yeah, that's a great point... this can totally help solve some of those sex alignment issues! :D
  7. PrettyFrank

    Plugins Align Plugin

    Right now, it's atom (mainController) based, so to do something like this, you might need to attach floating empty atoms to use - lemme know how it goes!
  8. PrettyFrank

    Plugins Align Plugin

    This one is definitely another one of those "simple idea, endless possibilities" plugins. I'd love to see folks try stuff like this!
  9. PrettyFrank

    Plugins Align Plugin

    PrettyFrank submitted a new resource: Align Plugin - Aligns atoms between two other atoms or the player. Read more about this resource...
  10. Align Plugin

    Plugins Align Plugin 3
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY

    Align (a plugin) Align positions/rotates an atom along the vector between two atoms (or the player), allowing for powerful alignment effects. Demo 1: simple alignment between 2 objects Demo 2: floating rimlight, always behind the object from the player POV. Demo 3: Combine with Sensor for...
  11. PrettyFrank

    Working on some creator plugins to make our lives easier and unlock new VAM potential :)

    Working on some creator plugins to make our lives easier and unlock new VAM potential :)
  12. PrettyFrank

    Plugins Sensor Plugin

    Super glad to hear it! I'm still discovering uses for it myself!
  13. PrettyFrank

    Plugins Sensor Plugin

    Agreed, that would be awesome! Maybe I can figure that out eventually :)
  14. PrettyFrank

    Plugins Sensor Plugin

    PrettyFrank updated Sensor Plugin with a new update entry: Sensor v6 Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. PrettyFrank

    Plugins Sensor Plugin - Sensor v6

    v6 Update - FIX: Fixed my vector math with the view angle offset... previously when using an offset, you'd see it approach zero from twice while panning.
  16. PrettyFrank

    Plugins Sensor Plugin

    PrettyFrank updated Sensor Plugin with a new update entry: Sensor v5 Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. PrettyFrank

    Plugins Sensor Plugin - Sensor v5

    Version 5 Updates - FIX: Attempting to make replacing Sensor plugins with latest versions preserve the previous settings. v4 --> 5 will lose your settings, but hopefully v6 will protect them? We'll see... - FIX: When in Angle mode, the max threshold now appropriately sets to 180 (degrees)...
  18. PrettyFrank

    Plugins Sensor Plugin

    PrettyFrank submitted a new resource: Sensor Plugin - Add distance/angle-based triggers between atoms and other atoms/player.d Read more about this resource...
  19. Sensor Plugin

    Plugins Sensor Plugin 6
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY

    Sensor (a plugin) Sensor enables angle/distance-based triggers between atoms and/or the player. Why? I could never get the automatic Depth of Field settings to work perfectly with any existing setup, including FocusOnMe, PostMagic (using AutoFocusPoint), or the PostProcessing plugin. In...
  20. PrettyFrank

    Plugins HidePubes (Session Plugin)

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