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  1. atani

    important information for VAM

  2. atani

    Success!! Pico motion trackers inside Vam, tracking is now fixed !!! (two part guide)

    If you want to make a guide, do so at Resources > Free > Guides so that it can be found more easily. Once you do, let me know and I'll add a link to it in the Wiki Guides lists.
  3. atani

    aspect ratio
  4. atani

    Any way to loop a scene

    The original question was answered several times in the thread. As for Browser Assist functionalities, you should check the plugin's instructions. I don't use the plugin, but importing animations is one thing, and changing the animations is another, so I doubt it can do the latter.
  5. atani

    What are your best tips for a good VR experience?

    Or a kinky new experience, the chance to be caught.
  6. atani

    What are your best tips for a good VR experience?

    Making sure no one's at home or coming soon
  7. atani

    How to fix scenario in VR?

    I've seen so many people saying "X doesn't work, is there a fix?", when 99% is they that don't know how to use it that I just thought you were one of those. Your english is fine and correct, fix for fixation, it was just a case of a different interpretation. Right, so, for guides you can see...
  8. atani

    How to fix scenario in VR?

    There's nothing to fix, just learn how to use things better. If you're using the virtual hands, disable their collision. If you are possessing a person, disable that person's collision.
  9. atani

    Accidentally deleted system files...

    It isn't as it's not core material and was created after the latest version.
  10. atani

    Accidentally deleted system files...

    vam_updater.exe with a core repair downloads VaM's core files again.
  11. atani

    4 things I want from VAM creators in 2025

    Why? What you wrote looks sincere. Unfortunately there are a lot of limitations and feedback loops that keep things as they are. Time is never enough to do all the things we want to do.
  12. atani

    4 things I want from VAM creators in 2025

    Let's not just put the responsibility on creators, which are also users like the rest. Making anything takes a huge amount of time, not just for making the resource, but especially the time taken to learn how to do it. It's like the plumber joke that delivers a bill to the client of 100 € just...
  13. atani

    Create an editable textbox in the scene

    Oh damn, I had no idea :LOL: Yeah, I don't know how to make plugins so I'm way off to be able to help on that side of things. My suggestion is to go to VaM's discord and ask in the scripts/plugins area, you'll find other plugin makers who can advise better.
  14. atani

    Create an editable textbox in the scene

    Instructions and and questions regarding the plugin should be done in the resource's discussion area so that the creator can see them.
  15. atani

    Unpack all Packages?????

    Means to extract the contents of a VAR to the VaM folder. Please don't this unless you really know why you're doing it and understand the impact it would cause.
  16. atani

    Create an editable textbox in the scene

    You can change the text of a UIText using a trigger.
  17. atani

    Clothing physics Conflicts

    I already said, check the clothes options to adjust how clothes are simulated. If you don't want clothes to be simmed at all then disable sim.
  18. atani

    Clothing physics Conflicts

    Happening what exactly?
  19. atani

    Clothing physics Conflicts

    You can use the clothing options to test for a smaller collision radius, etc.
  20. atani

    Copy VAM to another PC/laptop

    The drive/partition makes no difference, you can even have VaM and the cache folder on different partitions without any impact. Of course, it's of vital importance that the VaM folder is not in a permissions-restricted place like /Users, Program Files, etc.
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