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  1. hazmhox

    Horse with collision?

    Then try the capsule thingy : )
  2. hazmhox

    Manually record a node having it record then not and then start again on the timeline?

    Yup! I do not doubt that : ) But the moment you get Timeline, you'll see a very wide spectrum of possibilities open up for your future animations.
  3. hazmhox

    A little bit of great is better than a whole lot of nothing

    Man... are you on something or what? The initial post is not as you depict it. You really need to chill.
  4. hazmhox

    A little bit of great is better than a whole lot of nothing

    Honestly... don't tell me you ever stumbled upon three posts in a row where you said to yourself "damn, that's not worth a hub release". That's an open discussion about art and creations... and the fact that you might wanna look at your work at least twice before publishing... chill mate, that's...
  5. hazmhox

    A little bit of great is better than a whole lot of nothing

    I have both, mostly why some of my scenes are yet to be released. And impostor syndrom is not often tied to "not releasing"... but more people thinking their released work is crap even if it's like A or S-Tier. I suspect there are less people being perfectionists or have impostor syndrom that...
  6. hazmhox

    A little bit of great is better than a whole lot of nothing

    I'd suspect people with perfectionism and/or impostor syndrom actually know what their quality is (hence "impostor" :p)
  7. hazmhox

    Question Making a cumshot with fluids 101

    Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy them :) As a side note, the last update of fluids is really powerful with "floats" in Timeline. Now I'm handling fluids over a "standalone" timeline on the side. Empty Atom > Timeline, then I select the target character with Timeline configured as "not synced"...
  8. hazmhox

    A little bit of great is better than a whole lot of nothing

    EDIT: I meant that be people should be respectful even when giving feedback. The not was not meant to be there :p
  9. hazmhox

    Discussion points

    Message count? :3
  10. hazmhox

    If VaM had a tag line, what could it be (for fun)

    I think that stealing Burger King's one is a no brainer lol
  11. hazmhox

    Has anyone tried Nvidia RTX Remix with VAM?

    A couple of old fps. Yes I'm aware of it's limitations hence my answer. I did not even dive into the Direct X issue since content is what matters for VAM. Without being able to cover "all the content" of the game, considering using it (no matter what other hurdles may exists) is pointless. It...
  12. hazmhox

    A little bit of great is better than a whole lot of nothing

    I'm not gonna dive into the subjectivity of beauty and personal tastes. But honestly, I think parents are failing to teach their children what they should share/show off. Saying this another way: we live in a "The Voice" (or anything similar) society, where if you're good at singing in your...
  13. hazmhox

    Setting start animation on scene load (timeline)

    LOL DAMN GUYZ. You all used Timeline for that long and never found the checkbox? xD Select your animation in Timeline > Sequence Tab > Auto play on load.
  14. hazmhox

    Applying makeup like in real life possible?

    Yup because it's kind of hard to do that. Especially with VAM 1. You'd need a render to texture and an interaction between your make up delivery system and the face of the character. You see the "snow footprints" in modern game right? Where the snow gets crushed an keep the footprints... that...
  15. hazmhox

    Timeline question on start point

    As a more detailed answer: what's happening her is that you probably have the "root" target added to the animation. Moved the control to another location at the last frame but forget to update it on the first frame. To fix that, copy the last frame of your root/control and paste it on the first...
  16. hazmhox

    Persistent Physics Explosion On All People In Every Scene

    The day you're gonna have an explosion, you'll know it lol. Trust me. 😂
  17. hazmhox

    Horse with collision?

    I don't "show off" colliders in this scene :p You could do a simple thing: add a capsule atom (Add atom then > "Shapes"), and make it transparent. You can potentially parent it to the horse if it's moving ;)
  18. hazmhox

    Manually record a node having it record then not and then start again on the timeline?

    I know this is not the answer you're looking for, but you should learn timeline. Start with the basics to understand it, then get more complex over the time. Pretty much no one uses the main timeline anymore. The main timeline of VAM is a pain in the ass, you will always get in trouble at some...
  19. hazmhox

    Laptop requirements for VaM 1.x ( and VaM 2.x in the future)

    I wouldn't buy a PC based on VAM 2, it's not out, we don't have any clue on the potential needs. So buying a PC thinking "it's gonna make VAM 2 run properly" is not possible. I'm not very good with laptops, so other people might have some answers... but honestly, if you want to run comfortably...
  20. hazmhox

    Question How can I see what appearance presets I used in an older scene?

    It's under the appearance preset path of the character, checkbox called "Store Preset Name In Scene".
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