What's new? A LOT.
For starters, I've added a GUI. The GUI has all of the same settings/options as the command-line, but has the added benefit of storing your settings for future use.
You can now specify which elements you want to scan for and move/update, versus a sort of mish-mashed sequence of flags that did weird stuff if input improperly.
For debugging, I threw in a "Verbose Output" flag, which is REALLY verbose. The point of this is to figure out what is breaking things in the case of invalid file names or files or whatever. Only use this if I ask you for it.
There's also a new "Skip Report" flag, which disables the opening of the report.txt file in notepad after a scan. The report will still be generated, you can just choose to not have this pop up.
Want to back up your stuff somewhere else? You can now specify a custom location for that too.
Additionally, I've added a nice little status window to the GUI, so you can see the same output as you'd see in the console.
And, last, but not least - the command-line flags have been changed! Things were starting to get a bit confusing, and so I adjusted what the flags do (V now controls verbose, versus scanning for Vars, -A now controls scanning Vars/Addons, versus scanning All, etc. See below for new/updated usage.
Usage: VamUpdater.exe [VamPath] [-A] [-S] [-P] [-F] [-D] [-I] [-V] [-R] [-B=C:\Path\to\backups]
VamPath Full path to VAM directory.
-B=C:\Path\to\backups/-b=C:\Path\to\backups Specify path to backup directory.
-A/-a Scan AddonPackages files.
-S/-s Only scan scenes from /saves/scene.
-P/-p Only scan for redundant addons.
-F/-f Scan ALL scenes/addons/both, including previously scanned files.
-D/-d Update the date for modified scene/var files. If not specified, the dates will not be changed.
-I/-i Ignore meta dependencies. Will scan ALL var files, even if the meta indicates no dependencies.
-V/-v Verbose output. VERY verbose. Only use if directed for debugging purposes.
-R/-r Don't open the scan report in notepad when done scanning.
-H/-h Show this screen.
Unless the -F flag is specified, default behavior is to ignore
files that have already been backed/up modified.