Trigger The Trigger

Plugins Trigger The Trigger

A lot of buttons in VAM are triggers, so this plugin basically lets you trigger a button click. I used this on Audio Player because I had 5 playlist options and when you toggle tabs, I needed it to turn off all other sections or set them to the off state. Each tab section already had dedicated off buttons but it was multiple lines of triggers on each one with different paths and to add all those triggers to one button would be a lot of lines. With this plugin I can basically create a trigger that clicks each button instead of having to duplicate all those triggers into one long list. More importantly I don't have to set anything complicated up, it's really simple to use once you understand how it works. It's a time saver and makes things much more organized and easier to understand. Thank you for this excellent plugin! Highly recommended!
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Yes! Having an option to delay a button's action(s) without a bunch of extra steps should be a huge improvement. The logic brick delay stuff works, but it's often more cumbersome than it's worth. I'm really looking forward to this one.
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Damn, if this thing had appeared earlier, my life would have been much easier.
Maybe I can write a TIME MACHINE plugin next. ?
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