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The Voyeur
Absolutely brilliant! I think this what VR is all about: about being inmersed into an scene. And I think you nailed it!! Getting near the window, seeing her... wow, I mean for me it's not porn, it's like a truly and brilliant erotic movie. I appreciate A LOT all the hard work that is behind the scene, and I hope you keep doing such wonderful job mate!!!! :)
Thanks! Yes, I'll continue for a long time with this. I'd like to make more Voyeur scenes too and I have a lot of ideas.
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Phenomenal :v)
Hey thanks! I really appreciate the feedback!
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Great stuff! The lighting and fluidity of animations are amazingly good :) Makes the scene very immersive and believable.
Thanks, TGC! That means a lot coming from you man!
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excellent work
Thanks mate!
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Your scenes are always so sexy! Thank you for your generosity to the community!
Thank you! Well, thanks to the community too! This is quite a community we have here.
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love your work Scamp , nice detail with the lighting
Thanks! That is most kind!
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