The right kind of stringy
Demo of how the cum looks as of now
You ever wanted to add really thick and stringy cum to your scene? Yeah, me too! I started looking into unity's particle system and found the trail module which would make exactly that possible. And to manipulate all kinds of variables I also wrote a script for the cum!
Why the pay wall? Don't worry, I intend to make a simple version of this asset free eventually! But because I haven't made such an asset or plugin before, I have no idea what I'm doing so I first wanted to have people play around with it, maybe find weird quirks I missed or stuff I simply implemented wrong. So there are bound to be things I will have to change which could modify the way the plugin works. And it would be a shame for people to start using the cum in a scene and finding out a new update broke their scene.
Credits and a big thanks to @hazmhox for their astounding fluids 101 plugin, which was the starting point for the cum editor!