• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
Spaceboxes 101

Lighting + HDRI Spaceboxes 101


  • 5 news skyboxes, some "beauty shots" can be seen in this gallery
  • Optimized all textures, compression and quality. The package is almost the same size with twice the amount of skyboxes. Next update will be Spaceboxes 102 to avoid having an ultra heavy package.
  • New skybox "spacebox 05" which is some kind of orangy-looking nebula with a planet that look like Mars.
  • Global illumination implemented.

What global illumination means ?
It means you now have a Reflection Probe included in the skyboxes, and you can use the excellent SkyMagic plugin contained in MacGruber's Essentials that allows you to enable GI globally.
Please take a minute to read the help on MacGruber's plugin, it is really powerful to get some really good looking shots.

Remember : the GI (probe) does not rotate with the skybox. Since there are big elements in space that are giving a really specific tone to the light, think your scene in advance to avoid rotating the skybox. Maybe someday we could use realtime probes to remove this limitation.

Rotation changes : This is something I avoid most of the time, but some textures have been updated and the initial rotation has changed. If you have some scenes saved, you may need to adjust the position of your elements (if you plan on using GI) or change the rotation of the skybox.

Here is an example shot with the GI enabled ( and Spacedust 101 )

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