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Silver HJ

Plugins Silver HJ 4

Hello All!

I've added the following to SilverHJ:
* Added min and max speed sliders for more control over random speed
* Added min and max range sliders for more control over random range
* Added Overall Range control
* Added integration with SilverBJ. If SilverBJ is activated while SilverHJ is running, the two will move in sync and their ranges will be updated to make sure there's room for everything.

Have Fun!!!
Added the ability to adjust Spring Hold Position and Spring Hold Rotation for the hand controller (the new sliders are in the lower right of the UI). Increasing these values may help maintain correct positioning in some circumstances, however it will change the overall look of the motion, so I'd advise only increasing it in poses where the giver's hand isn't maintaining good alignment. You'll need to uncheck and re-check "Active" to see the change.
Fixed an issue causing males with the Julian skin not to show in the male selection dropdown.
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