• New flex region: Elbow. The defaults are not too strong though.
  • Dynamic effects should be less "snappy". Now the target morph value derived from acceleration is distributed among multiple frames.
  • Morph improvements for the shoulders.
  • Fix: The max morph values had been reset to 1 after a pose preset was applied (the classic way or via timeline), ignoring the values set by "Amount".
  • New FlexRegion: Shoulders and upper back. Seriously, watch the video. This is getting way too good :)
  • UI improvements to make things clearer
  • The "Amount" slider now sets the max morph value aswell as scaling the dynamic effects
  • Fixed: chest influence on the abdomen was calculated with the wrong sign
So what's next?
Arms and calves. Improvements to the static pose flexing, but this needs to incorporate collision detection. While the detection itself is easy, setting up the logic to cover all possible circumstances is really challanging.
This drives the abs, sides and the lower back.
Sadly, the naming sheme get's even more obscure, but I can't find something that fits all regions. For now:
  • "Fwd": hip forward, abs are flexing
  • "Bwd": hip backwards, lower back is flexing
  • "In": hip to the right, right side is flexing
  • "Out": hip to the left, left side is flexing
You should keep identical values for the latter two. It's the same morph, just on the other side. Maybe I'll refactor the code in the future to have one setting applying to both.
This is still WIP, so no presets for now. The effect may vary based on the shape of your model and of course the animation you play. Generally, the effect is way less prominent on regular sex animations than in my demo vid. So don't be afraid of the muscles shown ;)
But yeah, I'm very happy with the result, at least for my babe :)

Edit: Now that I have the system ready, the remaining regions will follow shortly. The abs and lower back are almost ready, and it's looking great so far!

Edit2: Wow, it's looking more than great, it's just awesome! Can't wait to release those abs. Probably tomorrow!

Next will be the upper torso, mainly the back and shoulders. And yeah, the calves... So juicy and yet so complicated, just like real life girls. I'll probably have to do some collision detection for that.

Btw: It looks really cool on males too!
  • Fix: forgot static flexion on the right leg
  • Fix: Morphs are now considered "pose morphs", so they won't trigger Naturalis/TIttyMagic calibration
  • Improved defaults to
    • reduce trembling (lower accel strength)
    • and to have the acceleration have an effect even while the muscle is statically flexed (gravity flexion cannot reach the max morph value on it's own)
  • More regions, but the calves and belly are bit complicated (calves: feet touching ground?; Abs: multiple inputs) and arms are boring, so I'll probably do the upper thigh/pelvis/glute area first.
  • Rework tension system of ShakeIt to be driven by the actual muscle flexion
  • Maybe I'll throw WorkOut in the mix. It would be cool to have the (static) flexion also contributing to the exhaustion.
Bend accel strenght -> 3 to smooth things out
  • New module "FlexIt": Simulates muscle flexion based on rotational acceleration. It also takes into account if the bodypart has to be hold against gravity, leading to a static flexion of the muscle.
    For now, it only affects the thighs while bending or straightening the knees. More regions will follow.
  • ShakeIt: The thighs are now split by default with slightly different frequencies and strengths on the subregions to enhance realism.
The enabled states of the regions weren't stored in the presets.
The values did show in the UI but weren't actually applied. Thanks to @vvs123 for the bug report!
Sorry, had a typo in the meta.
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