Intimate cowgirl sex mocap with voice acting and music.
This scene gives you the choice of two different planet backdrops, and two different voice models. I will be adding more in future updates!
Works with VamLaunch and TCode compatible toys. My tracking method uses scripted motion to follow the motion very accurately!
Motion capture, face capture, finger capture, and voice acting all performed by a real woman!


This video is for the in-game Hub browser:

Credits: AcidBubbles, Farger, MacGruber, Stopper, Everlaster, Hazmhox, CheesyFX, Blazedust, PluginIdea, Re-Visions, HAL9001, URthe1, DragonPhantom, Paledriver, CMA, ToumeiHitsuji, Crimeless, LFE, Amaksi, TBD

Important Note for VamLaunch Users:
Browse to your Custom/Scripts/ToySerialController_VAMLaunch folder, and delete/move the file called "default.json". This file prevents my customized Launch settings from loading at the scene's start! Removing this file fixes the problem, and you'll experience the toy script exactly the way I designed it.

-If you are using an outdated version of VaM, the planet will not scale properly and will look far in the distance.
-I recommend turning on Head Collider for VR users, so she can kiss you properly.
-I am still using version 2 of Blazedust's Emissive Clothing plugin in this scene

First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 5 ratings

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Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
Blazedust Blazedust
Blazedust Blazedust
CheesyFX CheesyFX
C Crimeless
CuddleMocap CuddleMocap
CuddleMocap CuddleMocap
CuddleMocap CuddleMocap
DragonPhantom DragonPhantom
everlaster everlaster
Farger Farger
HAL9001 HAL9001
HAL9001 HAL9001
hazmhox hazmhox
MacGruber MacGruber
MacGruber MacGruber
PluginIdea PluginIdea
Re-visions_VAM Re-visions_VAM
S Stopper
ToumeiHitsuji ToumeiHitsuji
URthe1 URthe1

Latest reviews

Masterpiece!!! :O Can you make extended verison please?
Thank you! :D I would like to make Sex In Orbit Part 2, and combine both mocaps together. Maybe we can do that after we finish this year's Halloween scene. ;)
Upvote 0
I really loved the kisses in POV, has a bit of an ASMR quality. I do miss the cam ride, but the quality of the POV is incredible. Such a great scene.
Thank you! A cam-ride is coming in the first update, so keep an eye out. ;)
Upvote 0
Bro, you are the best! More, please)
Thank you! We're always working on making more. ;)
Upvote 0
A very relaxing scene that builds to a climatic energetic finish. And, brought to the next level with accurate and immersively stimulating toy scripting. A stellar scene, to be lost in space.
I really enjoy hearing feedback about the toy scripting. I work very hard to make them accurate and enjoyable! Thank you! :)
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Ever seen the movie Passengers? Yeah that but having the ride of your lifetime in front of a giant glass window overlooking a rotating planet of either boiling LAVA or cool water! What more needs to be said?

Once again! Motion, Voice Acting, Environmental Visuals and Customizability, cuddles delivers the top of his game!

Please go subscribe to cuddles for endless fun! Thank you and have a good day!
Funny, my GF just watched Passengers for the first time last week, long after we started working on this scene. XD There's more to come in the next update! Thank you for taking the time to write a review, I really appreciate it! :)
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