• Happy Holidays Guest!

    We want to announce that we will be working at reduced staffing for the holidays. Specifically Monday the 23rd until Jan 2nd.

    This will affect approval queue times and responses to support tickets. Please adjust your plans accordingly and enjoy yourselves this holiday season!

  • Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released a critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
- Delay init after scene has finished loading
- Lazy reference storables so when they are missing due to the security popup, they'll work eventually
- Fix ternary operators parsing inside functions
- Array functions: push, splice, pop, remove, join
- String functions: substring, substr, split
- Support arrow functions with more than one argument: (arg1, arg2) => {}
- split and trim functions added to strings
- atom.GetStorable() now allows using "endswith", so you can do .GetStorable("Glance") for example.
- Add support for color params (getColorParam), uses html color codes
- Fix arrays not working when using a float (e.g. list[myFloat])
- Using console.log on an Error will not print the message and stack trace
- New File System API (fs.readSceneFileSync(), fs.writeSceneFileSync(), fs.unlinkSceneFileSync()) - This allows for machine and scene-specific files.
- JSON.parse and JSON.stringify (only flat, string-only objects)
- Ternary operators (condition ? true : false)
- Support isNaN
- Breaking change: .val now really calls .val instead of .valNoCallback, triggering onChange
- Added .valNoCallback on all storables
- Fix !value only working with booleans
- Fix Scripter not attached to storables anymore when reloading plugins
- Support string escaping (\n, \t)
- Fix setTimeout receiving seconds instead of ms
- Fix crash using scene.getAtoms()
- Fix crash with storable.getAllParamNames, stringChooserParam.choices
- Fix crash in code input in some circumstances when pressing home
-Crash on unsupported string templates (``)
-Fix reverse selections crashing the code editor when using Tab
- Fix doc errors (thanks Harry15)
- Change the license to CC BY-ND
- Fix Math.max and min not working (now supports either a list of values or an array) (thanks @notgivingitout for the report)
- Support underscores in variable and function names (thanks @notgivingitout for the report)
- Report errors in callbacks (on update, on float param value changed, etc.) and Stop listening to callbacks when one fails (scripter callbacks) (thanks @jaked for the contribution)
- String literal support in property names (thanks @jaked for the contribution)
- Implemented module (%) (thanks @jaked for the contribution!)
- Implemented Math functions: clamp, clamp01, inverseLerp, lerp, lerpAngle, lerpUnclamped, pingPong, smoothStep (thanks @jaked for the contribution!)
- Fix Vector3.y and z updating x instead of their respective values (thanks @jaked for the report!)
- Add scripter.containingAtom
- Add position, localPosition, eulerAngles and localEulerAngles on Transform and Controller (you can read and set the x, y and z values and use position.set(0, 0, 0))
- When loading a scene, wait at the end of the frame before running the script
- Fix lookAt and moveTowards not working unless physics is frozen
- scripter.onLateUpdate, onEnable, onDisable, onDestroy
- Ability to assign to properties returned by function calls (e.g. storable.getFloatParam("x").val = 1)
- Prevent controllers from being moved (lookAt, moveTowards) when physics is frozen
- Stop the running module when parsing errors are detected (e.g. onUpdate steps if an error is found after change)
- Fix crash when using atom.getStorableIds
- Distance now supports any transforms, not only controllers (e.g. player.head)
- Fix error in script created in the "+" tab
- Add string functions: length, startsWith, endsWith, contains
- Support single-quote strings
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