The Interrogation Room from Resident Evil 2.
Original author credit: ubermachine from open3dlab.
6 prefabs.
Destroyed room with emissive texture lights on, off.
Clean room with emissive texture lights on, off.
Clean room with emissive texture lights on no glass, off with no glass, (to be able to use vam mirrors)
The scene is set to load with a VAM mirror, make sure your mirrored surfaces is enabled in preferences to see it properly. Or you can hide or delete and set the prefab to use the glass that comes with the asset.

Original author credit: ubermachine from open3dlab.
6 prefabs.
Destroyed room with emissive texture lights on, off.
Clean room with emissive texture lights on, off.
Clean room with emissive texture lights on no glass, off with no glass, (to be able to use vam mirrors)
The scene is set to load with a VAM mirror, make sure your mirrored surfaces is enabled in preferences to see it properly. Or you can hide or delete and set the prefab to use the glass that comes with the asset.