Rainbow Pigtail hair for Female and Male/Futa.
To load these on a model, go to the Hair Presets tab / Select Existing / click All Flattened on the Left / search "Rainbow Pigtails". There is an option for Female or Futa.
Important Note
If you accidentally select the wrong one and apply the Futa version on a Female for example, it will give you an error saying something like Tyler hair is missing. Since the hair items all have the same name, it will load all that are available either way and you can still use them. You just have to resave your appearance preset and it will update it to include what loaded. The next time you load the appearance preset, it will have removed that missing item and will not give that error. To avoid getting the error in the first place, you'll want to select the right version for your model type. Select Rainbow Pigtails for female and Futa Rainbow Pigtails for male/futa.
To load these on a model, go to the Hair Presets tab / Select Existing / click All Flattened on the Left / search "Rainbow Pigtails". There is an option for Female or Futa.
Important Note
If you accidentally select the wrong one and apply the Futa version on a Female for example, it will give you an error saying something like Tyler hair is missing. Since the hair items all have the same name, it will load all that are available either way and you can still use them. You just have to resave your appearance preset and it will update it to include what loaded. The next time you load the appearance preset, it will have removed that missing item and will not give that error. To avoid getting the error in the first place, you'll want to select the right version for your model type. Select Rainbow Pigtails for female and Futa Rainbow Pigtails for male/futa.