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quickplace subscenes extended

Guides quickplace subscenes extended

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This guide extends the use of quickplace subscenes to other scenes.

I'm using a scene from CuddleMocap ?‍♂️ , Sex on a Cruise, to illustrate how you can make that scene compatible (personal use) for same-type quickplace subscenes, allowing you to quickly change environments and scene experience.

In a nutshell, if you have 5 edited scenes and 10 quickplace environments, you have 50 different ways to enjoy those 5 scenes. Read on if you're interested.

Original "Sex on a Cruise" scene
"Sex on a Cruise" using a quickplace subscene of Norm's Gwin Cerbin environment

This guide is a extension of the guide quickplace subscenes that I shared earlier.

The original guide uses a more complex setup for scenes that have multiple positions and requires more oriented scene architecture. This guide instead focuses on single position animation and easy to do edits of existing scenes.

Realtime use of quickplace subscenes

The scene animation is the Runaway scene from vamurai, which was stripped down of the original environment and added was a subscene atom in a suitable place. The video shows me loading several quickplace subscenes to demonstrate how fast and easy it can be to have a scene play in all kinds of suitable environments. It's recorded with a real time use, no caching on the subscenes, even with the animation playing.

The UI on the right is UIAssist (JayJayWon), and for this video I use to easily load quickplace subscenes on the subscene atom present in the scene. The environment loading time depends on your machine and the environment's resource allocation needs. Commonly is just a few seconds as you can see in the video.

Same-type subscenes and scene compatibility explainer

The scene above pictured has the animations take place solely on the bed. The bed acts as a flat surface collision, so you could potentially change a bed to another bed, to a floor, or anything else that is flat. Any environment that offers a flat surface could be used with this type of scene collision needs, this is what I mean by a same-type quickplace subscene.

By scene compatibility I consider the type of scene animations to be suitable for using quickplace subscenes, like the scene above that:
  • has a simple collision surface;
  • no poses or transitions that put people in other places;*
  • no essential environmental need.
If a scene looks compatible enough then the next step is to edit the scene by removing the environment and include a quickplace subscene atom in a suitable place. I'll detail below the process with the example of the "Sex on a Cruise" scene.

* If you have a scene that places people in different positions you would need to use the more complex setup of the quickplace guide. My 2023 Template scene uses that approach and you could use my shared quickplace subscenes for examples on how it's constructed.

How to make a scene compatible for quickplace subscenes

If you have a scene that looks compatible with the checkpoints above you can move on to the scene editing process. Naturally, scenes are made in many ways, so you'll need to adjust the process to what makes sense for the scene and your intended use of environments.

On top you have pictures of the original "Sex on a Cruise" scene as shared, and the same scene after the compatibility process with a loaded quickplace subscene environment. This was my process:

scene without a environment
I started by removing the provided environment. In this case it was simple, it was a single CUA atom.

By removing the environment the persons moved slightly, they were using the CUA bed as the collision surface. I then added the blue Cube atom as a new collision surface, but may be better to do this before disabling the environment.

I suggest removing the existing scene lights and instead include suitable lighting in the quickplace susbscene you create. Lighting that doesn't suit the environment is a major immersion breaker in my opinion, hence the suggestion.

Time to move on to adding a subscene atom and hiding the blue surface, read below.
scene without a environment - edit mode
This is a Edit-mode view of the scene with many atoms all over the place.
The one that matters is the subscene atom that you need to add, there it is below the male's top chest.

Important: notice the blue axis arrow direction of the subscene atom; it is important to keep the same direction on your edited scenes and subscene environments.

The type of quickplace subscene, in this case a flat collision surface type, defines where the subscene atom should be placed. It doesn't matter if you place it where I do, it matters only that you're consistent and take the position into account when you make your same-type subscenes.
I have a preference for using scenes with a Male Passenger possession, and the top chest/neck area is the place I chose for the quickplace subscene atom when adding to a scene and making subscenes.

At this point all you need is to hide the blue cube (Alpha adjust -1) used as a collision surface, save the scene, and it's ready to be used with suitable quickplace subscenes.

How to make same-type quickplace subscenes

In following the scene type above, making a flat-like quickplace subscene is a breezy process.
  1. Create a empty scene and add the environment you want to use
  2. Disable all collisions in the new environment
  3. Add a subscene atom at 0,0,0
  4. Add a cube with the top surface at the same height (or just below) as the subscene atom to aid in the environment positioning
  5. Position the environment in a approprait position, leave the subscene atom at 0,0,0
    • If you use the same placing as I used above, position it where the male's top chest/neck would go; keep in mind the direction of the blue axis arrow
  6. Remove the placemente cube and start adding lights and other things you want in the environment
  7. Add the environment, lights, and others to the subscene
  8. Save your subscene
    • be careful to state the type in the Signature entry to avoid mixing it with other types
The quickplace subscene is ready to be used in a same-type compatible scene. Give it a test to see if it works good, especially regarding lighting.
Once you're happy with it you can make more following the process and create a generous collection of subscenes for you to pick.

You can have different types of quickplace subscene atoms, like flat surfaces, chair positions, etc, but make sure to not use the wrong ones or you'll get surprises ;)

Tips and considerations

This is a scalable approach to have new environments in compatible scenes. If you have 10 compatible scenes and 10 quickplace subscenes of the same type, you have 100 combinations to enjoy. Lovely, isn't it? ?

Please don't blame me if your VaM use starts to take over your life ?‍♂️ ?

Lighting is the main problem I find to get right for each environment. Make sure to test it a bit, shit lighting can make a environment unusable.

If you have ideas about this guide and methods, do share on Discord (tag me) or this guide's resource description.

Thank you to @CuddleMocap and @vamurai for sharing those wonderful scenes that work great for this guide and for quickplace subscene use.

My shared quickplace subscenes

They are suitable for specific conditions, like my 2023 template scene and what's instructed for the subscene positioning, but help yourself to them:

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    The video shows a real time use of several quickplace subscenes while a scene's animation is...
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