You need VaM version 1.22 and the VaMStory plugin for this scene to work!

Slime Time 2.0

Everywhere I look... I see blue Slime...

A while ago I noticed how there is an utter lack of Slime Monster scenes for Vam! I guess there are a few looks around, but I had yet to see a full scene utilising those looks (or maybe there actually are some, please prove me wrong). ...Maybe it's because of the slimes whole transparency shtick. Because holy sh*t, transparency really is a pain in the ass... Fiddling around with almost every material and its render layer, for all the clothing items and assets in VaM as well as the whole mushroom scene and slime splatters in Unity, just so you can see through that slime monster almost made me insane...
But in the end I'm really satisfied with how it turned out and I feel like the result speaks for itself.

Credits (Non-VaM):

Credits (VaM):
Skippy - Skippys CumClothing (CC BY-NC; used with Skippys permission)
Molmark - Nipples
WeebU - Cum Cloth
Crimeless - wet penis
PetaZwega - Medieval Clothes

MacGruber - LogicBricks, PostMagic, Essentials
ZRSX - Character Transparency
AcidBubbles - ColliderEditor, Embody, Timeline 282
CheesyFX - ShakeIt
hazmhox - VaMMoan, fluids101, vamcui, VaMStory, rocksandplants, VaMOverlays, VaMAtmosphere
ClockwiseSilver - SilverExpressionTool
ToumeiHitsuji - Rivining Rod
NoStage3 - UnityAssetVamifier
Blazedust - Script ColorScale
Gardan - Positioner
dub - PimpedPumpTrigger
everlaster - FloatParamRandomizerEE
MeshedVR - FloatParamRandomizer
Spacedog - Rotate to camera

Eosin - HandWristArmMorphs
WeebU - MyMorphs
Spacedog - Import Reloaded Lite
kemenate - Morphs

kemenate - Male Beard, Male Body Hair

WeebU - Penis Normal Maps
kemenate - Decals

ZRSX - Splatters assets lite

PetaZwega - Matthew
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

More resources from PetaZwega

Latest updates

  1. Animation, Slime Looks, Lighting & Bug fix - Update

    6 more Slime looks, a whole new realistic lighting setting, a new doggy animation & sandbox...
  2. QoL Update

    Created Dependency Downloader and uploaded it to Mega folder Reconfigured the Deepthroat...

Latest reviews

Very immersive. Love the details. Going in my Star Trek collection.
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Never thought I'd see the day. VAM needs more of the weirder stuff! Very well done, more pls :)
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Thanks for always making something interesting, insane what can be done in VaM nowadays
Upvote 1
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