1) Added Lock/Unlock switching function for Clothing.
Lock/Unlock itself is a button on VAM's Clothing tab, but I couldn't find a way to operate it from the trigger, so I implemented it in PresetLoader. Lock/Unlock does not switch during Auto Load operation.
Please forgive me if there is a way to switch Lock/Unlock using a trigger as a standard function of VAM.


  • PresetLoader ver23 UI.jpg
    PresetLoader ver23 UI.jpg
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I changed the license from CC BY-NC to CC BY-SA. There are no changes other than the license.
In ver19 and ver20, it was found that if the Preset var was not in the same location as when the Scene was saved, the PresetLoader would not work properly and the Scene could not be loaded, so this has been fixed. Thanks to VRDollz for pointing this out.
Improved operability of the "Keep Appearance Scale" function.

In the previous version, the scale when "Keep Appearance Scale" was turned ON was retained, and even if the scale was changed manually after "Keep Appearance Scale" was turned ON, it was returned to the retained scale when loading the preset. In the new version, if the Scale is manually changed after "Keep Appearance Scale" is ON, the changed Scale will be used when loading the Preset.
Update contents (ver.19):
The following changes are valid only for VAM1.21 and above.
1) Supports Preset Lock function added in VAM1.21. Enable Lock on the VAM side.
2) Supported Merge Load function and Overlay function of each Preset. Enable Merge Load on VAM side.
3) Slightly slowed down PosePreset load times due to changes made for 1 and 2.

The behavior is almost the same as the previous version, but if you feel that the behavior when "Keep Appearance Clothing" and "Keep Appearance Hair" are enabled is not desirable, do not use this function and set "Preset Locks Overview” function on the VAM side (located in the Control & Physics1 tab).
Updates (ver.18):
Added ability to load Morphs Presets. If a Breast Physics Preset and Glute Physics Preset with the same name as the Morphs Presets exist, they will be automatically loaded. If you don't need to load Physics Presets, uncheck "Enable Physics Presets".
You can set whether to load Pose and Appearance Morphs separately.
Along with the addition of the loading function of Morphs Presets, the above three presets have been added to the presets saved with the "Save Current Presets" button.

UI 2
PresetLoader ver18 UI2.jpg
Update (var17):
1) It did not work properly when Parent Atom was set in Person, so I took measures. I needed the help of jayjaywon and everlaster to deal with it.
2) Presets are listed in advance and loaded in that order. When the Enable Presets toggle of each Preset is turned ON/OFF, the order returns to No. 1. Therefore, the same Preset was loaded repeatedly when using Enable Presets on and off. Changed the specification so that the order is maintained even if Enable Presets is turned on/off.
3) When "Enable Random Load" is turned off, Presets were loaded in the order they were read from the directory, but in some cases they were not in alphabetical order, so sorting was added.
1) Wait for the left click of the mouse so that you can adjust the angle of view of the screenshot when saving the preset with the "Save Current Presets" button. If you turn on "Auto Screenshot for Presets", it will be taken without waiting for a click.
2) When creating a scene var, if the Preset directory selected by PresetLoader is added to var, the Preset directory in var will be automatically selected. If you want to select the local Preset directory, turn off "Enable Path in Scene var". If you use Appearance Presets or Clothing Presets that require special Plugins, add the necessary Plugin Presets to var as well.

1) PresetLoader gets the name of the var containing the scene at the start of the scene. So when you reload the PresetLoader it loses the var names and doesn't work properly.
2) The Preset Favorite setting built into var will be disabled, so please set it again.
3) If the var containing the selected Preset is saved in a different location than when it was selected, it may take some time to find the file. note that.

1st Menu
PresetLoader ver16 UI1.jpg

2nd Menu
PresetLoader ver16 UI2.jpg
Update (ver. 15).
I found that the plugin does not work correctly if the Person UI is not opened once after starting VAM.
Captain Varghoss's TriggerUI gave me a hint on how to fix it.
Updates (ver.14):
1) Added the ability to keep the current Appearance's Scale.
2) Added the ability to remove clothing when loading Appearance. If "Enable Clothing Presets" is checked, it will take precedence.
3) I fixed the script as it was reported to cause an exception error.

2nd Menu
PresetLoader ver14 UI2.jpg
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