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Plugins Preset Maker Release 2

Camera positions are saved with the scene. So you can keep screenshots consistent once you have made screenshot room scene. There is a button to retake screenshots if desired.

Per author scanning on large collections should process faster.

WIP button to scan saved scenes folder. There is no naming sense so it will file presets by folder structure.
New duplicate cache system existing cache will be deleted.
On Start scans for existing presets and adds them to the duplicate check cache.
Cache system should better detect duplicates.
Presets are now stored in new folder PresetMaker instead of pma-test.
Information window in pluginUI for current state.

Work in progress button that will process the old looks folder and save out presets. This works but has no naming sense.

Known issues:
The author filter selection still scans every existing json file looking for a matching author. So it can be slow on large collections. This is on my todo list to fix.

presetMaker r1.JPG
Adds Error handling when reading corrupt json files. Should skip file and report message instead of locking processing.
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