Updates (ver.11):
1) Added a function to load a pose consisting of two people. This function uses VAM's standard Pose Preset function and does not adjust the position after loading, so if you do not use the appropriate Pose Preset, the position of the two people may be misaligned.
If you want to use it, please switch the UI with the "Change Menu" button. Select 2nd Person, specify Pose Preset for each, and press the "Load Couple Pose" button.
If you add a second person after switching the UI, it will not be added to "Select 2nd Person", so please switch the UI again or select Person after selecting Pose.
Note: The 'Reload Pose Preset' button and many of the UI features on the left do not work in the 'Load Couple Pose'.
2) Added option to use Root Position/Rotation of Pose Preset Data as is. Check "Keep Position Data in File".
3) 'Keep the previous folder' functionality has been extended to include var files.
4) Fixed Male Pose not loading correctly.