- All clothing for the women in this scene has been replace with items that are hub-hosted. They're different, but should be easier to download.
- Condom has been replaced with a hub-hosted version.
- Re-added man's shirt in the toilet sex scene after it was accidently removed in the last update.
- During the toilet sex scene, you should now be able to hear the music of the location from which you initiated it.
- Adjusted some lines of dialog when speaking with club girls.
- Changed the temp look used internally by the scene so that it doesn't reference unnecessary dependencies.
- Adjusted some animations during the toilet sex scene so that penetration should hopefully be more consistent,
What better way to capture the raunchy underbelly of late-night clubbing than with a quick tryst in the club's bathroom? This update sees the introduction of the first entirely new sex scene type as well as an experimental new arousal system. Refinements and changes are soon to follow!
- New Sex Scene, Toilets: When you and your new partner for the night want to have some fun and would rather skip the awkward drive to someone's house, you should just check if the club bathroom is empty instead. This new location has been added as a possible sex scene for club girls and Kat!
- New arousal system: Currently only for the toilet scene, this system gives you more control over the intensity of the couple's movements. The time until you can enjoy that mutual climax is now decided by the intensity of the act (and in the future, any actions you perform during it) making sex scene duration more controllable. In the future these changes will likely be added to the bed scene as well.
- There should no longer be a chance that Kat's facial features will be reset when entering a sex scene with her.
- Added two additional variations of the cum animation for the sex scene. When you click the cum button, the game will randomly select one of the three animations to play. They aren't massively different, but they're different enough that they should help add some freshness to encounters. This should be the final significant change to the Bed sex scene minus any bug fixes or animation refinement. I'm planning on working on a new sex position/location next. I very much have an idea in mind, but I won't stop anyone from guessing what it is ?
- Optional Plugins: Added a tab to your room for optional plugins. In the future, various plugins from other users may be included to enhance the experience. They will not be integral to the scene, but they may improve certain aspects. These will be optional and can be toggled on and off at your leisure, so don't feel compelled to download every single plugin that gets used if you know for a fact you won't get any use out of it. Currently the only plugin available is MacGruber's PostMagic.
- Adjustable sex scene lighting: You can now toggle up to 6 lights during the sex scene. Useful if you want to vary up the lighting or would prefer the characters to be more/less visible.
- PostMagic: As previously mentioned, PostMagic has been added to the scene as an optional plugin. By default it will provide a bigger contrast between light and dark and offer some bloom effects. If you have some fps to spare, give it a go.
- The response a club-goer gives when you introduce yourself is now randomly picked from five lines instead of being the same one every time.
- Moved music/sheets/lights panel in sex scene so that it no longer clips with certain possible beds.
- Fixed an oversight from the previous update where custom looks could randomly appear in the club, but would not carry over to the sex scene.
- Re-added the fade to black when initiating a conversation with a club-goer.
- A few people have reported that saving custom looks, the whole point of the previous update, wasn't working correctly. It works on my end but I can't deny the possibility that it works differently when you've downloaded the scene as opposed to creating it. So, I've adjusted the method through which the three custom girls are saved and loaded, let me know if it's fixed the issue.
- Kat's clothing should no longer overwite her detailed eye textures.
This is by far the biggest update to Night Life, at least for now. You better pump up that Status, because level 4 will allow you to experience these lovely new offerings.
- Kat's Modelling Agency: Palm Valley's top agency for women looking to show off their boundless beauty, whether that be clothed or otherwise. Edit up to three girls, save those appearances, and give them a 'closer' look when you randomly encounter them later in the club. A great way to introduce any custom looks you've made and/or downloaded into the dynamic dating system of Night Life.
- Unique Girl, Kat the Bombshell: With Kat's Modelling Agency comes the introduction of the infamous "Kitty Kat" herself. She'll be your introduction to the Modelling mechanic. Her love life is varied and the subject of many rumours, but one thing is known for certain, it is very busy with little room for any more new partners. For the most Confident men of Palm Valley, however, she may be willing to adjust her schedule to fit in some more... 'appointments'. Though technically part of the scene in previous updates, she has been reworked into a unique character with specific dialogue, which will see additions in the future.
- Kat will no longer randomly appear in the club, instead being a person you can talk to at any time provided you have access to her modelling agency.
- Silvia has been removed from the scene as a randomly appearing club-goer due to potential changes to her look and additional content updates.
- Trophies have been added for encounters with unique characters. What does this mean? Well, if you manage to score a date with Kat, try looking around in your room after the encounter is finished ?
- A reset button has been added allowing you to reset all your stats to 1. It was mainly to speed up debugging, but hey if for some reason you want to reset your stats then there it is.
- VaMMoan will use a different voice for unique characters compared to random club-goers (currently only affects Kat).
- Fixed the long standing bug where the trigger to select a bed for sex scenes was accidently called twice every time you took a club-goer to bed.
- Updated scene to be compatible with the newest version of VaM. In other words, the couple in the sex scene should no longer be floating in the air away from the bed ?
- Take a more active role in sex rather than just waiting for the big finish! Admire your partners body more closely with a nice little Fondle, and play to her submissive desires with the occasional Choke.
- Finally caved and added Divining Rod to the scene since it was clear there was no way I was going to have consistent penetration with slightly different possible body types otherwise. Instances of improper insertion should be GREATLY reduced.
- Added a button at the club which allows you to wait a while, rather than having to go home then back again. Useful if the current girl isn't to your liking, has too high standards, or both.
- Fraemework fps plugin is now automatically disabled during the sex scene as to not conflict with embody. Entering POV mode should no longer be accompanied by a MASSIVE framerate drop.
- Adjust VaMMoan settings so that skin slapping sound effects should be far more consistent and noticable. Also increased the volume of the wet thrusting noises so that they can actually be heard.
- Removed ability to see out of home windows as the current outside view looks like crap.
- Introducing the first benefit of Status, the ability to purchase and internet package, allowing you to browse the web from the comfort of your own home!
- "But PornPlayer, couldn't I already do that without levelling up Status... or opening up Virt-A-Mate at all?". Well, maybe you could, but now Status has a reason to exist. Plus, levelling it up more will unlock the next feature added.
- With higher Status comes knowledge of one of Palm Valley's worst kept secrets. Of the many, MANY romantic rendezvouses that occur in Palm Valley, some of them make it onto the web with or without the knowledge of the participants. Increase your Status and gain access to these voyeuristic vids, of which more may come in the future.