Theuf - Talia Hairstyle
Hunting-Succubus - Enhanced Eyes
vamjfd - FullMouthTexture
PluginIdea - High Performance Volume Lighting
Farger - Farger's Particle Pack Vol. 2
MacGruber - Post Magic
ICannotDie - Lut Image Pack for PostMagic
klphgz - Standing Pose (513-576)
**NC content creators permission granted if any NC content used within this release**
Theuf - Talia Hairstyle
Taliahairstyle - Hairstyles -
Model Talia, by Theuf Thank you to all creators that are part of this look. kemenate : morphs CC-BY paledriver : eyeshadow CC-BY Riddler : skin CC-BY
Hunting-Succubus - Enhanced Eyes
Enhanced Eyes - Clothing -
OPEN FOR COMMISION WORK CONTACT DISCORD SERVER SUPPORT AT PATREON Enhanced Eyes! Release to public. HAPPY VAMMING Its Improvement over my old Eyeball Shadow, its has Better Eye morphs compatibility then old version. and has Nice GI/Light/Oppsite...
vamjfd - FullMouthTexture
FullMouthTexture - Textures -
This is a replacement for my initial mouth texture map which I shared in 2020 (https://discord.com/channels/363274293112602636/647848861712252963/720248106372956271) and on the Hub in Dec21. I now put all the textures in one file for the mouth...
PluginIdea - High Performance Volume Lighting
Plugins - High Performance Volume Lighting
Are you often troubled by the fact that VAM has no reliable volume light effect? Actually, VAM itself is already a game that consumes a lot of performance, while volume lighting is a frame-eating monster, especially when the number of lights in...
Farger - Farger's Particle Pack Vol. 2
Assets - Farger's Particle Pack Vol 2
Notice: Update 10 does not add new particle effects, this update was done to take out some of the demo scenes that caused external dependencies. This update eliminates all external dependencies and simplifies things when creators link to this...
MacGruber - Post Magic
PostMagic - Plugins -
Admin Note: This plugin is specifically made for desktop use and as stated in the description only partially works in VR. If you wish to not have this plugin loaded at all you can permanently disable it from within the "Package Manager"...
ICannotDie - Lut Image Pack for PostMagic
Other - LUT image pack for PostMagic UserLUT plugin
All my content is FREE, FOREVER! If you enjoy my free content please consider supporting me be joining my Patreon... If you're a content creator using my free resources to create paid content, please consider joining my Patreon too, so I can...
klphgz - Standing Pose (513-576)
Standing Pose(513-576) - Poses -
Standing Pose(513-576) Pack 9 for Standing Pose Series The poses can be loaded in only 1 ways - the Pose Presets' way. Too lazy to make it in the old-fashioned way. The Legacy Presets' way is no longer provided to save time. PS: This pack just...
**NC content creators permission granted if any NC content used within this release**