Admin warning: This resource requires external software to function. Users accept all risks associated with using this resource.
Adaptation of the original Vive Facial Tracker Plugin for PICO 4 PRO/Enterprise headsets.

The plugin will only work with the latest Streaming Assistant program. It won't work with PICO Connect or Business Connect.

The original application (for Vive facetracking) is compatible with this plugin. You can also use the original plugin with the application provided here (for the PICO), but you won't have eyetracking.

How to use
  1. Dependencies
    You'll need Jackroo Mocap Based Expressions version 2 (link), and WeebUVR Morphs repack version 3 (link).
    For the UI application you'll need .NET 6.0.

  2. Setup
    First run Streaming Assistant (version 9.4.15 or greater), then run PICOFacialTrackerVamLink.exe (inside the zip).
    Once the application has been launched (and no error is being reported), you can run VAM and open an scene with Facial Tracker Vam Plugin (you'll have to add the plugin to a Person atom).

    If you get an error and you don't know how to solve it you can post it on the discussion and I'll try to help you (you should find it in the logs.log file, under the same directory as the .exe).

Why an .exe? / Is this a virus?
In order to get the facetracking data, Streaming Assistant sends it into an internal program (named pico_et_ft_bt_bridge.exe). For us to intercept those messages that program needs to be stopped (and that requires admin access, someting VAM won't allow).
If you're concerned about viruses, you can check and compile the program by yourself. You'll find the .exe code in my GitHub PICOFacialTrackerVamLink, and the VAM script in

In development
Some blendshapes/multipliers may not be accurate. If you have knowledge in the area, feel free to contribute in the GitHub code.

@mektar, for the original Vive Facial Tracker Plugin
All VRCFaceTracking's PicoStreamingAssistantFTUDP contributors
@Jackaroo, for the
Mocap Based Expression movements morphs
@WeebUVR, for
Morphs repack
  Admin warning: This resource requires external software to function. Users accept all risks associated with using this resource.
Total Size
0.01 MB
First release
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Latest updates

  1. Resource management fix

    Function Dispose() didn't work properly.
  2. Added eyetracking

    Now you can use PICO's eyetracking sensors to move the eyebrows, blink and look
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