More than just paper

Scenes More than just paper

? More than just paper ?
Secretary turned saleswoman tries her luck, but it's hard to sell paper in a digital world

Based on something you probably saw and named after where the action takes place.

## Update

Redone v3 with a lot of improvements


## Speech synthesis ??

There's speech synthesis from Uberduck to mimic the show's character's voice. It's a bit robotic, but still, pretty cool that this kind of stuff can be done ?

## Playing the scene
  • Choose "Free moving" or start with Embody (passenger) activated
  • Several plugins are used, you'll need to allow them. If you're not sure, reload the scene to avoid broken plugin actions
  • Get the dependencies but you don't need the dependencies' dependencies



## Customising the character
  • If you have another secretary at hand ;) it should be fine to change. Keep in mind the scale 0.95
  • Lip sync is used, so you might need to adjust the jaw and lip movement to match the changed character better
  • Auto-behaviour is on, but you can use something else
## Issues reported - Frozen

A member has noted that the female freezes when playing the scene. This is possibly due to the Lip Sync plugin used in the female person and all I can suggest is to try the following:
  • Delete any Lip Sync files in your Custom folder, Custom/Scripts/LipSync (something like this)
  • Remove lip sync from female plugins before starting the scene. Sucks because when she talks the lips don't move :(
  • Play it on a fresh VAM
This scene was tested in a fresh VAM and there's no customisation of the Lip Sync plugin in any way. Unfortunately there's no alternative plugin that I know of that could make the same as Lip Sync. If you experience other types of problems, do let me know, thank you.

## VAR packaging

This was packaged in a vanilla VaM, so as long as you get the dependencies and allow the plugins, it should work correctly. There will likely be some items on the error log, but they'll be from the dependencies' dependencies, can't escape that.
About licenses and copyright, if you notice anything wrongfully made, ommited, etc, please let me know to correct it at once.

## Credits and thank yous to

AcidBubbles - Embody, Timeline, Glance [plugin]
AdamAnt5 - Realtime LipSync [plugin]
ClockwiseSilver - SilverBJ [plugin]
Cloudcover - Skirts and shirts [clothing]
Crimeless - Wet_penis [clothing]
everlaster - FloatParamRandomizerEE [plugin]
hazmhox - fluids101, vammoan, vamoverlays [plugin]
Jackaroo - Smartsuit [clothing]
JayJayWon - ActRandomizer [plugin]
Joyboy - Lara_hairstyle [hair]
kemenate - morphs
MacGruber - Life, Logicbricks, Supershot [plugin]
Molmark - DripDropPube_LITE
Nial - Office [asset]
NoStage3 - Hair_Long_Upswept_Top_Bun, Hair_Long_Wavy_8 [hair]
Oronan - F13, Semi Long B4 [hair]
paledriver - Eyes_reflection_and_shadow [clothing]
prestigitis - hair-20191213 [hair]
Scamp - Charlotte [look]
Skippy - Skippys_CumClothing
Spacedog - Rotate_to_camera [plugin]
TGC - Zoro_stockings
ToumeiHitsuji - DiviningRod [plugin]
Sorry if I missed anyone

Have fun
Total Size
2.45 MB
First release
Last update
4.50 star(s) 4 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Redid animations and expansion of audio speech

    Big changes from v2: Redone animations for a smoother flow Expanded audio speech and...
  2. New plugins, tweaks and fixes

    Changes on this version include: Hazmhox's Overlays plugin for the scene introduction Via's Cue...

Latest reviews

It's an Atani scene, nothing more needed to say
It can be understood in 2 ways, I hope it's better one ;) :D
Thanks, glad you enjoyed the update.
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Michael approves!
Michael may act foolish but he is no fool :)
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The scene just freezes and have to restart vam...
That's odd. Could you share in the discussion if there's any errors or something? Did you press start on the computer screen? You can also just press play on the toolbar and the female will speak and after 20 seconds will move.
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Sweet, just need to load a certain Sirap character in, and we're golden
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