New to the MPSC in version 2.4:
-- Wolfman Thrusting! You can enable/disable his trusting, change the thrusting target, and adjust parameters. (More parameters might be added in the future).
-- Three Couples Poses (so far)! Pre-made couples poses to get the action going for you. Or, you can disable thrusting, pose the models yourself, and then enable thrusting!
-- Enable/disable Gaze buttons for the Wolfman and the Multiperson Model! Sometimes you don't want the model (especially the Multiperson model) changing their head position to look at you. The Standing Blowjob couples pose is a great example of that, so that pose automatically disables the Multiperson Gaze, and the other Couples Poses re-enable it. Or, you can disable/enable it manually with the new toggle switches.
-- Reset Wolfman button. If you want Wolfman out of the way, you can now press the Reset Wolfman button to send him back home, or use the Disable Wolfman button to hide him altogether.
.......... and I'm just getting started!