After reviewing some feedback, I've made the following updates/fixes:
  • A grab button has been added so that Desktop users can now enjoy the 'Pounce' animation
  • Menu location change has been fixed by altering Timeline triggers
  • An additional VR interactive animation has been added within the BJ animation
    • As the BJ transitions to full insertion, your left hand is re-enabled, allowing you to trigger one of two events
      1. Push her head from the front to re-cycle the BJ start animation
      2. Pull her head from the back to trigger climax
I understand some may be frustrated that the climax animation isn't available in Desktop mode, but I really want this to be a VR focused scene. Too many buttons filling up the screen real estate would distract from the experience, so if there's enough demand, I may just create a Desktop exclusive version from the ground up. However, this would not be a priority for the moment, unfortunately. I hope you guys enjoy the changes, that the fixes all work ?, and thank you again for checking out the scene!
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