
Plugins LogicBricks2

Didn't know about the filterable StringChooser popups until now. Much better for choosing atoms/storables in the UI_Sync settings.
Added a brick that allows to keep a parameter in VaM and a UI element in sync - either way.
UIToggle <-> Boolean, UISlider <-> FLoat, UIText <- String or StringChooser (only one way)
As a result of a discussion with @darkesthours443, the OnLoadingActions plugin can now also monitor the loading progress of all CUAs in the scene (new option added in the UI). This also applies to subscenes, so it should now be fairly easy to fade out or do something else while a subscene or a large CUA is loading.
*facepalm*, *hangingheadinshame*, I am always such a nitpicker when it comes to details and can get really furious when people don't get the credit they deserve, and what do I do here... Mess up the license requirements of MacGruber's plugins... Seriously sorry. fixed now.
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