• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Plugins + Scripts LiveReload

Fixes since alpha 2:

- fix compatibility with plugins on atoms which have plugins with multi-script cslists
- added support for monitoring session plugins when LiveReload itself is added to session
- ensure plugin gets reloaded when changes are detected even if the plugin was put to an error state by VAM in the previous reload (e.g. due to compile error)
- changes are not detected when VAM is not a focused window, allowing you to edit multiple files and then refocus VAM to trigger the plugin to reload
- if a new development plugin (= local plugin under your creator name dir) is added to any atom/scene/session, LiveReload will detect that and start detecting changes in its files without having to be reloaded

With these changes you should be able to just add LiveReload to your session and keep it there while developing. The only reasons to go to the plugin UI are to disable monitoring for a specific plugin, or to toggle logging changes to message log.

When actually playing VAM using any of your own local plugins, you'll want to disable LiveReload since it does incur quite a performance cost especially when monitoring larger code bases for changes.

Other changes:

- removed check frequency slider, it's now hard coded to 1 second
- logging changes to message log is now toggled globally instead of per plugin
- if changes are detected in multiple files, it's still just one output in the message log (changed files are comma separated)
  • fixed issue where the incorrect plugin would reload when the same atom has multiple plugins that are not in order of plugin id number
  • suppress error if monitored file is deleted
Please let me know if you find more bugs!
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