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Light Texture Plugin

Plugins Light Texture Plugin 9

new: switching light types tries to keep the same texture you have loaded
fix: you can now add this plugin to an atom in a subscene
If you have some Cube Map textures lying around (these are sort of like skybox style textures) then you can add these textures to a point light that shines in all directions.

You can even add a 1:1 ratio texture to a Point light - it may not look right but it will just repeat that texture on the light in all directions. Seams will be a problem but if your light texture is something like a starfield that is a tileable texture it may not look too bad.

Also fixed a bug where light textures would not load when doing a merge load.
new: 4-5x image load and effect performance improvements
new: support jpg and gif importing
This one goes out to @Acid Bubbles "lol" that it might as well have some more image filters.

- brightness which is good to lighten up the alpha of really stark lines
- invert to, well, invert the alpha
fix: warn when image is not square
new: grayscale to alpha option
new: scale to change size for directional lights
- File browser usage no longer destroys the rest of your VaM experience
- Saving a scene and reloading it will remember your texture
- Saving a VAR file will bring in the texture file into your VAR package too (VAC will not work, tested it)
- Make textures a little easier to see in the file browser
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