Thank you for having another go at this. I have tried so hard myself but haven't been able to hack it. Please know that my criticism comes from a good place. I hope we can get this model as good as the one they made of Hannah Owo recently. Okay, los geht's!
Texture: The face diffuse texture makes her face look busted (in the colloquial sense of the word) and like she overcakes her foundation. The cheek bones are too defined through the diffuse.
Face Morph: Better than your previous version, but the morph is clunky and needs to be smoothed some how. I suspect it's because you used too many individual morphs in the face. I am guilty of this when ever I hyperfocus on a lookalike. Trying to get everything *just* right often ends up ruining the morph entirely.
Head morph: The cranium is too wide. I recommend using HS Head Width to adjust this.
Body: I was shocked to learn that your torso morph is fairly accurate. I never noticed how broad and muscular she was. That said, your model is a bit too tall. My sources say 5 ft 4 in is the correct height. The height measurement tool by LFE should help you with your next attempt.