Sometimes you want to feel safe and be held by strong arms. Janet can help, she'll sweep you off your feet and carry you to her bed. Whether you like it or not!

Outfit in pictures include:
Yoga Outfit by CosmicFTW
Egregious Sneakers by YameteOuji
NOTE: This is an Appearance Preset and related custom morphs only. You have to use the appearance preset tab to load this look.
Any questions comments or suggestions are welcome here, on the official Discord, or on my personal Discord server.
If you would like to support the work I am doing, please subscribe on YouTube and/or visit my Patreon.

Outfit in pictures include:
Yoga Outfit by CosmicFTW
Egregious Sneakers by YameteOuji
NOTE: This is an Appearance Preset and related custom morphs only. You have to use the appearance preset tab to load this look.
Any questions comments or suggestions are welcome here, on the official Discord, or on my personal Discord server.
If you would like to support the work I am doing, please subscribe on YouTube and/or visit my Patreon.