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Hanna's Side Ride

Scenes Hanna's Side Ride 1.4

What's all this?

As I mentioned on my Panic Room update, I've hit a creative block with my current scene, so I'm going through some of my other scenes and updating them and improving usability based on past suggestions. Enjoy!

  • Changed the key to enter Embody from to the Right CTRL key for people who don't have US keyboards (was previously tilde/backquote.) I also added a text blurb that reflects the change.
  • Added an audio menu that lets you adjust the audio volumes up and down. This should help you choose just the right audio levels for your taste.
  • Improved a couple of choppy animation transitions.
  • Updated the orgasm animation. On rewatch, I felt it needed some improvement.
  • Hid a bunch of lights, menu buttons, and other items from accidental possession.
  • Updated to the latest version of Acid Bubble's Timeline.
  • Added some strobe lighting, set to the thumping beat of the music. You can turn it off if you hate it.
  • Added LFE's SoundtrackSync to keep all of the animations and lighting in time with the music.
  • Moved the Start/Stop menu up and away, so it's less visible when in Embody/Possession.
  • Fixed the license on this one. I realized while packaging this version up that I hadn't done the right one!
When I was taking screenshots, I forgot to unhide the Start and Stop buttons when I was through, my bad!
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