Glance: Realistic head-driven eye motion

Plugins Glance: Realistic head-driven eye motion

- Automatically enable mirrors when possessing
- Hide eye target
- Less strict vertical extremes filter
- Remove saccade from debug eyeline
- Show debug frustrum/lines in gray when there's no active target
- Improved quick turn; will blink faster during quick turn, reduced vertical predictive movement, continuous refocus, avoid locking until quick turn is complete
- The last build(s) didn't behave correctly during quick turn, so it was revamped and it's much better now.
- You can focus eyes on player using a trigger (e.g. when touching)
- Clamp eyes rotation magnitude so looking at corners won't go too far
- Configure max allowed rotation (can't go further than what VaM allows though)
- Immediately lock on a object on quick turning (e.g. looks at you when turning head towards you)
- Larger default field of view (lower is better in most animations, but higher has higher chance of looking at you without fiddling with the settings)
- Fix distance effect algorithm, fixes eyes moving way under the minimum lock time (now counts for 50% of the frustrum
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