- Feature: Improved UI with sections
- Feature: Add GlanceTarget to objects you want to track
- Feature: Option to disable "unnatural" eye direction to allow focus on very large frusta
- Feature: Increased probability towards center of frustum
- Feature: Dual targets such as eyes will get shorter focus duration but not lower probability
- Feature: Objects entering field of view will be immediately looked at only if they have a higher weight
- Feature: New objects entering field of view now have a configurable cooldown to avoid "shake"
- Feature: Limit frustum values to 0.001-179.999
- MacGruber: Improved performance when changing multiple storables at the same time
- MacGruber: Fix incorrect scan frame spreading resulting in too many scans per second
- MacGruber: Make frustum "up" use the head "up" for better tilted frustum projections
- Breaking change: Objects with GlanceTarget_ prefix will not be looked at anymore
- Breaking change: Triggers with the "frustrum" storables were changed to "frustum"
- Other smaller improvements (thanks to MacGruber for many other fixes and improvements!)
@MacGruber for contributing!
@ddaamm for the Chloe model
@SupaRioAmateur for the earrings and eye reflections
@NoStage3 for the hair
@TGC for the clothing
Shy preset:
Confident preset: