Anyone who knows
@pogdaddy knows someone who is kind, supportive and funny. You also know that Pogdaddy has an animated gif for every occasion imaginable. One of these animated gifs is a famous muppet frog twirling around violently and shooting electrical blasts out of his mouth. This funny image gave me an idea for the five particle effects included in Version 4 for this particle pack.
The set of effects in this update are constructed in a manner similar to how I created the Tinkerbell effect. This method means that where you put the CUA atom in your scene will set the general starting location of the effect, but then it does pretty much whatever it wants to do after that point. Because of this, these particle effects restart every 60 seconds, so that it doesn't wander off too far. If you reposition the CUA while it is running, it won't make a significant change towards the new location unless you toggle the atom off/on or wait for its own refresh cycle. These effects use random seeds, so what you see at any given time is truly unique. These effects should prove interesting in VR because of the many different angles being generated as the particles shower outwards.
I did notice that changing the angle of the CUA atom will change the spin angle for most of these effects. Also, moving the CUA atom around will have an indirect increases motion on the core particle and will increase the production rate of the particles as well. The method of implementation of these effects means that changing the scale of the CUA will only change individual particle size, it will not change the overall scale of the effect.
A new demo scene is included "angels" which demonstrates 3 of the 5 particle effects.