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Plugins + Scripts ExpressionBlushingAndTears

This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here. [DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Full Ver.2.2 | cotyounoyume on Patreon ) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.

Summary: This upgrade partially implements one of the features that I personally have always wanted to achieve: to be able to take off clothes that cannot be subtly taken off with ClothSim type clothes. For example, I made it possible to take off Bra that subtly moves but does not come off, and, skirts that do not drop from the waist, etc. to the end. Also, as requested on Patreon, I have added a gimmick to cover the mouth with a hand and a setting to prevent the head from moving during possession.

Images of "Enhanced Undressing" and "Ghost Hands Covering the Mouth." (I used YameteOuji's amazing clothes for the samples. )
  • Added: (Full ver. only!) Addition of a gimmick to block the mouth with the ghost's hand.
  • Added: A forced undressing function for ClothSim that cannot be undressed normally; clothes with ClothSim can be undressed regardless of the original SimTexture setting." See the "Undress[Force]" button.
  • Added:3 additional settings to exclude clothes from being removed. Clothes that have no ClothSim and cannot be undressed will want to be Remove. However, you will not want to Remove clothes that have special roles, such as "Hair replacement" or "eye reflection" etc. I added the following three settings to exclude special clothing from Remove.
    • - Setting 1: Addition of a setting to exclude clothing with certain keywords in the name from being "Remove". Clothes with the following keywords are excluded from being "Remove". - "eye", "nose", "face", "mouth", "hair", "brow", "drip", "makeup", "mtk2"
    • - Setting 2: Add a setting to exclude clothes with ClothSim from "Remove". I would rather have ClothSim "Undress" than "Remove". This setting excludes ClothSim clothing from "Remove".
    • - Setting 3: Add a setting to exclude clothing with SkinWrap from being "Remove". I would prefer to have clothes with SkinWrap change shape rather than "Remove". This setting excludes clothing with an alternate SkinWrap from "Remove".
  • Added: Stop head movement during possession. I have made it so that the head does not move while possessing the target female head (experimental).
This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here. [DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Full Ver.2.11 | cotyounoyume on Patreon ) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.

Summary: This version is for bug fixes. It fixes a bug in Ver. 2.1 where the LookFront button would sometimes remain on the screen without being properly removed.
Also, this is a bug from before Ver. 2.1, but there was a problem where the menu was not drawn properly when the PERSON was a Dummy (Person without Texture).
These have been fixed. If you have downloaded Ver. 2.1, please download this version again.
  • Fixed: Fixed a problem where the LookFront button would sometimes remain on the screen.
  • Fixed: Issue where the menu would not load properly when the PERSON is Dummy fixed.
  • Tweak: PERSON's head will now move a little more violently when the number of climaxes exceeds a certain number.
This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect.
( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here. [DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Full Ver.2.1 | cotyounoyume on Patreon ) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.

Summary: This release will be a minor change (I worked on many things but could not break through the technical issues and did not make it happen.)
The most notable change is the addition of an undressing option: VaM's early clothes (from MeshedVR) had the ability to change SkinWrap, and although there was no ClothSim, it was interesting to see how the clothes would come off. When Undress is run, some of these early built-in clothes will be in a state of undress.

Sample Image:
  • Added: Added an undressing option: when you run Undress, the builtin clothes (such as Simple Top) will be undressed. (as seen in Simple Top and Alphakini Bra, not Alphakini Bra Sim). Alphakini Bra, not Alphakini Bra Sim)
  • Tweak: Fixed linkage with VAMMoan: when VAMMoan is enabled, the lowest excitation level will be breathing instead of disabled.
  • Fixes: Fixed some menu items: fixed an issue where the "Shivering Strength~" parameter could not be changed from the CustomUI.
  • Tweak: Changed the internal specification of facial expressions: Changed the way the facial expressions work internally. Changed to make the expressions continuous so that they do not change rapidly.
  • Fixed: Changed the World UI: The placement of buttons in the World UI has been slightly changed. Also, since it was difficult to see where the menu could be dragged, a blue sphere is now displayed where it can be dragged.
This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here. [DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Full Ver.2.0 | cotyounoyume on Patreon ) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.

Summary: This release contains several updates of different types. As a feature addition, I have implemented integration with VAMMoan. If you have the VAMMoan plugin loaded, you can use its Sound for EBAT Plugin. Also, as an update for the Full Ver., we have added two new Toys, including a two-headed dildo. There are also a total of 12 other minor changes and fixes.
  • Added: VAMMoan integration. You can now use VAMMoan by enabling "Use VAMMoan" from either the World UI or CustomUI. (The type of voice can be changed from the Custom UI of VAMMoan itself.)
  • Added: Instant up/down of ecstasy gauge. Added a UI to the World UI to simply raise or lower the ecstasy gauge by one level.
  • Added: Summoning the two-headed Dildo (Full Ver. Only!). Added a Toy that can be summoned. Added: A two-headed Dildo can be summoned, and the appearance has been slightly modified to show how it works.
  • Added: Summoning something like Womanizer(Full Ver. Only!). Added a new Toy that can be summoned.
  • Fixed: HeadControl's custom menu. In the last release I forgot to implement part of the CustomUI for HeadControl. Some menus did not work in the previous release, but they will now work properly.
  • Tweak: Correction of tentacle motion. The motion of the third level of tentacles has been changed. (Because I didn't like the old motion.)
  • Tweak: Modification of Hand R's motion. 3rd level motion of HandR was changed. (Because I didn't like the old motion.)
  • Tweak: Modification of RenderQueue of blush and tear. After using the recently released "Motoko 2.0 beta", I noticed that the blush and tears in my Plugin did not work correctly. I fixed the order in which the transparencies are displayed so that they work correctly.
  • Tweak: Auto open/close of menu. I noticed that the menu of my World UI overlaps with the Scene selection screen when my Plugin is used, making it difficult to operate. The menu is now opened and closed automatically so that it doesn't get in the way.
  • Fixed: Revival of the male function. When this plugin is applied to men, the minimum behavior is now performed. This is experimental!
  • Tweak: Changed WorldUI. Since there are more items that can be summoned, the UI for them has been changed to be less obtrusive.
  • Tweak: Changes to Squirt's internal implementation. I noticed several problems with Squirt's handling. We are reviewing the implementation.
This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here.[DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Full Ver.1.9 | cotyounoyume on Patreon ) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.

Summary: With this release I have added one of the features I have wanted to implement for a long time. This is the most important feature of this update !
This feature takes away Morph and Pose control from motion capture and animation patterns embedded in the scene, and overrides them with facial and head movements in this plugin.
This feature can be used to prevent the face from collapsing due to the double application of expressions in the existing scene and expressions in this plugin, or to enhance the realism of the existing scene by adding head movements of this plugin to match the climax.
Several other features have been added or modified.
  • Added: Morph and motion control takeover and override. This feature takes away Morph and Pose control from motion captures and animation patterns embedded in the scene, and overwrites them with the expressions and head movements of this plugin.
    This feature takes control only temporarily, taking control only during climax, and returning to the original behavior when the excitement subsides.
    However, the movements created by the timeline could not be partially taken away from the control, so if you want to stop the timeline movements, you will need to limit the timeline movements themselves with the AutoStop Plugin feature.
  • Modified: Change in body movements during climax (Full Ver. Only). So far, this Plugin has made a slight change to the Pose of the hands and feet during climax.
    However, since this sometimes interferes with the motion of the scene, I changed the behavior at climax. I limited the poses to Abdomen and Pelvis, which are less likely to conflict with other scenes, and used Morph for Pose to express the contraction of the belly during climax.
    In addition, the expression of these climaxes can be changed in detail. However, the settings are complicated, so I will not explain them individually.
  • Modified: Changed the categorization of the UI to make it easier to hide unused functions. This is hard to describe in words, but you'll understand it as soon as you operate it.
  • Added: UI display position setting. The initial display position of the UI in the world can be changed from CustomUI.
  • Fixed: House Keeping. Unnecessary garbage Atom remains when this Plugin is reloaded repeatedly in the same scene.
  • Tweak: Change in startup timing. Fixed internal startup timing to be more appropriate.
This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here. [DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Full Ver.1.81 | cotyounoyume on Patreon ) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.

Summary: I just released ver. 1.8 yesterday, but since there was one major bug and one additional feature, I decided to release this ver. If you downloaded it yesterday, please download it again.
  • Added: Enhanced AutoStop function for Plugin that may conflict. See the following Overview page, at Overview>Sub Feature>5. AutoStop other conflicting plugins
  • Fixed: On the UI screen, the draggable area for moving the menu (around the blue top-left box) was misaligned. This has been fixed.
  • Tweak: Made the Hint and UI screens a little easier to read.
  • Fixed: Removed timeline from AutoStop target (this was my test setting, sorry).
Also, I've rewritten the Overview page of the plugin, please refer to it for a detailed description of this plugin.
This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here. [DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Full Ver.1.80 | cotyounoyume on Patreon ) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.

Summary: Added several features, improved operation, and fixed some bugs.
In particular, the problem that the angle of the hand and tentacle points in the wrong direction has a significant impact on users who are using the full version, so please upgrade to the new version.
In addition, the auto-stop feature for plugins that may conflict with each other will make this plugin work as expected. Other minor improvements and bug fixes have been made, so I hope everyone will be able to use this version.

The following is a list of features added and fixed in this release:
  • Added: Added a menu where you can adjust the frequency and angle of the head movement.
  • Added: Adjusted the angle of the head movement that is too large. Also, the head movement now has a low probability of occurring even when the Ecstasy gauge is low.
  • Added: Automatically pause other Plugins that may conflict with the behavior.
    Plugin such as Gaze may conflict with my Plugin in head movement, and Plugin such as Breath may conflict with my Plugin in simultaneous audio output.
    When the Ecstasy gauge reaches the second level, this feature will temporarily stop these potentially conflicting plugins from working. When the gauge goes down, these Plugins will resume their activities.
  • Tweak: Hint function. Added pop-up messages to the screen for some confusing operations, etc.
  • Tweak: doubled the radius of the Collider for the genitals of the lower body.
    For unknown reasons, the Collider of the lower body genitals may not respond properly in certain poses. increasing the Collider will alleviate this problem.
  • Tweak: You can now set the lag time before the hand or tentacle follows the PERSON (added to the menu in CustomUI)
  • Tweak: Improved some of the actions when tearing the shirt
  • Tweak: When Version Up, newly introduced parameters are only added, and existing parameters are not rewritten.
    This is intended to save you the trouble of reviewing the settings each time you upgrade.
  • Fixed: The angle of the hands and tentacles did not properly follow the PERSON.
    The hands and tongue will no longer point in the wrong direction.
  • Fixed: The Toggle menu for turning facial expressions on and off is not correctly reflected when operated from the CustomUI and the UI on the World at the same time.
This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here. [DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Full Ver.1.70 | cotyounoyume on Patreon ) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.

Summary: One feature added, two features improved, and several other bugs fixed.

The following is a list of features added and fixed in this release:
  • Added: Add a ghost tongue. These lick the nipples in pairs. (Full ver. only!)
  • Changed: Changed the way the CustomUnityAsset follows the Person to be smoother. This greatly reduces the risk of the Person exploding.(Full ver. only!)
    - Ghost tongue and Smoother tracking mechanism
  • Changed: Introduced a mechanism that allows the Ecstasy gauge to increase or decrease as intended even when the CustomUnityAsset collision is not working properly. (Full ver. only!)
  • Fixed: Fixed problem where the amount of data loaded for Sound was much larger than necessary.
  • Fixed: Fixed an issue that caused the Ecstasy gauge to drop to zero instantly in the Free version.
This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here. [DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Full Ver.1.69 | cotyounoyume on Patreon) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.

Summary: I Added multiple features and fixed bugs. The Cloth Sim operations have some interesting additions. The option to make the Ecstasy Gauge move more slowly up and down, and the option to make the menu display more compact were added based on comments on VaM-Hub.

Also, some of the restraint poses and gimmicks (restraining the legs with the beam) might be a bit unstable. The movement is interesting, but for some reason, the collision detection may not work properly.

The following is a list of features added and fixed in this release:
  • Added: The following operations have been added for clothes with Cloth Sim enabled.
    - Roll up skirt
    - Exposing breasts
    - Tearing off the shirt
  • Added: Added an option to make the menu display more compact
  • Added: Added an option to slow down the Ecstasy gauge fluctuation (Ecstasy Scale can be changed from the Custom UI)
  • Added: Added some restraint poses and gimmicks (Full Ver. Only!)
  • Fixed: issue where Expression Strength was not being saved.
  • Fixed: issue where Head Motion On/Off would not be saved.
  • Fixed: Sound default settings not being saved fixed.
  • Fixed: Some constraint poses have been fixed so that the intended posture can be achieved even when not upright.
This version is the same as Full Ver., except that you cannot use the climax, binding, and summoning toys effect. ( Sorry, Full Ver. is exclusive content for supporters. If you are interested in Full ver., please see here. [DL] ExpressionBlushingAndTears Full Ver.1.6 | cotyounoyume on Patreon ) There's nothing else you need, just put the plug-in's Var file in your AddonPackages folder and you'll be ready to go.

Summary: I Added multiple features and fixed bugs. Ghost hand and tentacle animations have been improved. The head shaking effect will work more properly now that we've included the ability to temporarily stop the other Plugin. The Blushing effect is something I've been wanting to improve for a long time, and now I've finally gotten around to it. There was a conflict between the tears and the Blushing alpha, and I finally figured out how to work around it.
I also solved the problem of CustomUI not being able to be saved and the Squirt being in the wrong position.

The following is a list of features added and fixed in this release:

The following effects can be given to the target Person by stimulating the collision trigger.
  • Changing Expression: You can test morph, and limit morph strength.
  • Tears and Blush effects: You can choose them from several types.
  • Erection of the genitals: Nipples and clitoris.
  • Voice: Breath, Moan, and Climax. You can change the pitch of voice. And you can add your own voice to the voice pattern by referring to the sample folder and adding a new folder.
    - ex.) VaM\Custom\Sounds\ExpressionBlushingAndTears
    - The audio file must have a ".wav" extension.
  • Climax effect(Full Ver. Only!): The subject person climaxes when the stimulation continues above the threshold.
  • Squirting Effect: A low probability of squirting when the target reaches climax.
  • UI Menu: UI menu on the VR screen. From this menu, you can change the intensity of facial expressions, give climax and squirt effects to the target. The UI menu also shows the current ecstasy level.
  • Undress Effect: Added the ability to remove clothes using the ClothSimControl feature. See the reference image below.
    - sample image:
  • Body restraint effects: Added a ghost hand that restrains the Person's body.
  • Sexual devices: Added a ghost hand that touches the body to stimulate it.
  • Store the .var file in the AddonPackages folder. If you were using an older version, delete the old .var file.
  • Open the Plug-in tab of the target Person and apply ADD_ME.cslist.
  • I included the Session Plugin as a trial version. The Session Plugin will automatically load ExpressionBlushingAndTears (EBAT) to a female person when there is only one female person in the scene. If you want to use it, please register the following cslist as Session Plugin: ADD_ME_FOR_SESSION_PLUGIN.cslist
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