[Experimental] CUA/XPS Controllers

Plugins [Experimental] CUA/XPS Controllers

I finally worked through a process to properly add controllers to an existing Atom. Typically, the controller list is baked into its internal state during its first initialization and into the SuperController's internal structures when it is added to the scene. Both of these events are only meant to occur once, and VAM took a lot of convincing to do it again.

For the user, the main benefit is that there is no longer a separate "Controllers" atom. Timeline and other plugins can be added directly to the CUA. This also simplifies a lot of internal mechanics and should lead to more stable behavior overall.

The flip side is that the new process is extremely finnicky and can lead to all sorts of weird behavior. I think I've nailed down the most of it, but there's potential for many new bugs.

As always, please let me know if you see issues ?

  • Major update. Previous saved scenes will not work.
  • There is no longer a separate "Controllers" Atom.
  • Presets have been removed for the time being. Pose controls should serve a similar purpose.
    • Note: Setting pose seems to break XPS. I'll need to find a workaround...
  • Enabled the 'select root' button on controllers.
  • Fixed various issues with physics explosions relating to SubScenes.
  • Fixed a few bugs with rigging a new CUA
* Fix for controller orientation when loading saved scene
  • Added back XPS support removed in previous version. Should support saving/loading just like CUAs
Prior release had a bug that prevented loading links between CUA controllers and other atoms.
Separated out the creation of the Controller atom and controllers such that they are initialized earlier in the scene load and are independent of the CUA actually loading.

The end effect is that parenting between CUAs and other objects should work now. The link direction and subscene boundaries should not matter.

The mechanisms that allow this to work are really sketch. A lot of ways this can go wrong. I'll add more details in the thread.

?Please post bugs as you find them?
  • Fixed issue where the plugin would not process past bones where the name contained 'head'.
  • Fixed an issue with the previous update that disabled all colliders on the CUA. Thanks to @Shioro for flagging!
  • Should hopefully work with subscenes.
  • Added saving and loading of presets for CUA 'poses'
  • Moving the CUA object now also moves the controllers.
  • Will now save and restore the CUA Controller atom on scene save/load
    • Should work with Timeline and other plugins
  • Added some controls for physics settings.
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