Who doesn't love a girl in docs?
Here we have 20 new high quality textures and presets for YameteOuji's excellent BootsA.
I did my best to maintain the leather stitching and iconic yellow sole stitching as well. I think they came out pretty good. Enjoy and give me a like if you do. My shit is always free.
Thanks to YameteOija for all of his amazing clothes and contributions. Thanks to Mr. cmramlow for the gimp help!
Here we have 20 new high quality textures and presets for YameteOuji's excellent BootsA.
I did my best to maintain the leather stitching and iconic yellow sole stitching as well. I think they came out pretty good. Enjoy and give me a like if you do. My shit is always free.
Thanks to YameteOija for all of his amazing clothes and contributions. Thanks to Mr. cmramlow for the gimp help!