Body Normals (Thin)

Paid Textures Body Normals (Thin)

I'm a skin normal FINATIC where I need the skin she's in to look as realistic as possible, with typical human details like veins, hip, rib, and spine bones poking out where they normally would on thin to fit models, things along those lines and **** words are sufficient. You can stick them underneath say an Epi, Riddler, or ren skin set if you wanted and they look amazing! A MUST have for anyone who likes non thick models, which arent for me, where you can adjust the detail strength, so the details are very subtle but there..... Sh** you could even pair these with a fit thick girl and subtle down the strength for ultra realism.

czgtLDD's mere $10 patreon sub for these are so *%*(()#$30 worth it! Thank you czgtLDD!!! Please keep making photo realistic female items like this and I'll never let you go man <3 never
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